What Species to Keep?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Sep 19, 2007
Amherstburg, Ontario
I'm thinking of keeping 3-4 good sized South American Cichlids in my 125 Gallon tank...I would like to have at least 2 different species...What would be a good mix? I also have a medium sized albino catfish which I think could go in as well...Any comments or suggestions would be great! I was personally thinking green terror, texas, jackdempsey, convict, firemouth...any of these go good together ? not all of them but say three of them in one tank?

keep in mind I would be getting them all at the juvenile stage...
Jones2w said:
I'm thinking of keeping 3-4 good sized South American Cichlids in my 125 Gallon tank...I would like to have at least 2 different species...What would be a good mix? I also have a medium sized albino catfish which I think could go in as well...Any comments or suggestions would be great! I was personally thinking green terror, texas, jackdempsey, convict, firemouth...any of these go good together ? not all of them but say three of them in one tank?

keep in mind I would be getting them all at the juvenile stage...

not that important a point, but barring the GT, all the cichlids you've listed are CA.
i've just started keeping CA's and SA's, so don't count on me for experience, but i'll try to give an opinion. please bear with me.

in a 6' tank, all the cichlids mentioned would probably work with well thought-out decor. the FM would be the least aggressive (though there are exceptions), but IMO would hold be able to hold its ground.
try not to get a pair of convicts, as that puts added stress on the rest of the fish through breeding. 1 male would do fine. again, a breeding pair of Texas, JDs, FMs, or GTs would be harder to maintain with all the fish listed.

then again, there are various opinions regarding stocking levels. and many would say ( 1 Texas + 1 pair GT ) or ( 1 GT + 1 pair JD ) would do well in the tank.

just keep in mind, that there are no hard and fast rules in maintaining CA communities. and please take into account advice from other experienced aquarists before jumping in and buying fish.
you're welcome.
i forgot to ask, what kind of albino cat do you have? the most common name that pops up is the albino channel cat, which would get huge, and might coexist with your juvi cichlids for only a while, after which they'd start to disappear.
ok so i made my decision...with plenty of reasearch and thought...

I decided to get a 2 inch green terror, a 3 inch jack dempsey, and a 2 inch texas, all with my albino cat...
good luck with them. just keep an eye on them as they grow. you never know when you get a psycho!
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