what to do with a 55gal?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 16, 2005
Evansville, Indiana
I'm planning on putting in a small pond in the yard this spring for my militaristic little red eared slider, Bismarck. It'll be a 100gal preformed clack plastic one. Fist of all, if you know anything about ponds, please give me a hand and take a look at this thread.

Now, this is going to leave his 55gal open...A side effect I hadn't really considered until now. I figure I've got a few options.

1) I could make it a growout tank. Currently my only growout is a 29gal. This would let me raise a good deal more fish...if I can ever get the things to survive at all that is. haha.

2) I could make a discus tank. Discus are foreign territory to me, and frankly they scare the crap out of me, but dang they are pretty. If you think I should get discus, I have a few questions. How many should go in a 55gal? Do I need ro/di? I've looked into ro/di water and it simply sounds way out of my budget, not to mention a pain in posterior.

3) Another planted tank with angels and such. I already have a 75gal right next to the 55 gal that is just like this, so I'm not too keen on this idea.

4) African cichlids. I used to have these in my 75gal. They were cool for a while, but got old quick. Other than the colors, they all look and act the same. Not very dynamic.

5)Big fish. An oscar or something? Though, I'm not sure a big oscar would have room to turn around in a 55gal. They are only 12" deep. Plus I like to decorate my tank nice...so I dunno.

6) FOWLR. I'm way too poor for a reef...ever. I'm probably too poor for saltwater in general. Convince me I can set it up for under $200 and I'll think about it. lol

7) Massive shrimp colony. I don't think my girlfriend would ever want to go into my room again, sorry shrimp lovers.

8 ) your ideas
I would go for a nice species tank.

55 gallon is big enough to do many cool fish.

I like Oscars
Fresh water sharks
I nice flower horn or green terror.

If you want to do another planted could always do Rainbows if you have not done them.

I like those a lot

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