!! what to feed danio fry?!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 13, 2003
Hi everyone,

I vacuumed out a load of about 20 or more baby zebra danio fry this morning after spotting what I thought was a fry last night in the tank. I researched on feeding them and I'm supposed to be feeding infusoria?

My 10 gal tank is only on it's first week after being set up, with 3 (what I thought was) small zebra danios as the only inhabitants, I guess they're adults already...I'm obviously fish cycling and wasn't expecting fry so soon. 8O I don't have any infusoria ready for the fry at this time;what can I feed them so they won't starve :?:

Are they too small for newly hatched brine shrinp? How about crushed flake food? I think these are only a few days old. They're maybe 4 millimeters long, some with a black stripe along their back...I think some may already be dying from starvation, but as long as I can keep some alive, I'll be grateful!

Please help! Thanks!
Ther is a product called Liquifry that may work.

Old-school fry food, hard boiled egg yolk smashed into superfine particles., not much at a time or you will foul the water.

I think bbs are still too big for them, need a week or so of something smaller

Sorry I don't have much for ya.
Calcifer10000, How did you get your Danios to breed? I have some that I am trying to get to lay eggs, but she has not yet. What temp do you keep your tank at? and what is the PH level at? How exciting for you!!! Yeah. baby fishies. Good Luck. Oh, and I was a t Petsmart to pick up some food for the fry (just in case I was succesful) and they have a few to choose from. You should have no problem picking some up from there, if you have one close by?
Hi Hollieo,

I have no clue, actually I didn't even see them spawn or see the eggs. I just got this trio a week ago, (tank is still cycling!) though I didn't think any of them looked especially pregnant or anything when I brought them home. I wouldn't even have known there were fry if I hadn't seen one edging along the glass...

Well, if this is any help to help your danios breed: temp is a pretty constant 78 F and PH is 7

I have a Petco and a local store, and to my surprise Petco didn't carry any fry food at all! But I picked up something called 'Fry Bites' at the local store and hope it'll do. Otherwise I will try the egg yolk. But the fry are soooo tiny! One food particle looks bigger than the whole fry!

Does anyone know what fry look/act like when they are "free-swimming" vs .... whatever they are before they're free-swimming? I can't tell with the fry right now. They just stick to the side of the tank they're in. Are they still relying on their yolk sac for food?

Any fry info would be very very helpful. I can't find much on the internet when I search. Thanks so much!
I read on one of the websites not to feed the babies at the stage where they are clinging to the glass. Do not feed the fry until they are free swimming. I guess you will notice once they are free swimming, because they won't be stuck to the glass.. ha, ha...
Good Luck!!!
Hey, calcifer10000..
I found three weird things in my tank and wasen't sure if it were the Danio fry. Here is a pic of what I found. Does this look anything like what you had in your tank? I know it is a little hard to see...
Yep, that's a fry all right.

I was able to keep them for about 3 weeks, feeding them, (at least I think they were eating) "green water." But then the water went bad and they started dying out; they're hard to keep alive cuz they're so small! I still occasionally find more in my gravel though.

Hope you have better luck with yours!
Cool, thanks.
I thought it looked like a fish, but people were telling me it looked more like mosquito larvae and dragonfly larvae.
I still have one that I can find. I think the others are in there somewhere? Yes. They are very small. I bet I have sucked many of these out of the gravel and never even noticed it. The only reason I noticed it this time, is I was checking my bucket after a syphon/water change, because I had little molly babies in there. I had to make sure they didn't end up in the bucket to be dumped. :D
Yeah, I only noticed them after seeing one swimming up close against the glass. I only had danios in the tank at the time, so I knew it had to be a fry. (We don't get a lot of mosquitoes/dragonflies around my place)

I had to poke around to find them after I siphoned my tank. They looked like bits of fish poop lying on the bottom of my fishwater changing bucket, though they also kinda stuck the the sides/bottom.

Their eyes are cute! But now that I have a bunch of other fish and not much fry cover, they're probably getting eaten cuz they're so tiny. 8O
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