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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 19, 2012
What are some good cichlids to get? I already have 2 yellow lab cichlids and 3 Cory catfish? I have a 55 gallon fish tank as well.
Ryner said:
What are some good cichlids to get? I already have 2 yellow lab cichlids and 3 Cory catfish? I have a 55 gallon fish tank as well.

I wouldn't put those corys in there that's JMO. A Synodontis would be a better choice. And you have 3 corys with only 2 yellow labs and there all getting along? Do you have a FTS?
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Yes there all in there. Why shouldn't I have the cory's in there?
Ryner said:
Yes there all in there. Why shouldn't I have the cory's in there?

Again it's JMO. I wouldn't do it. But then again every tank is different but I've heard horror story's about them with African Cichlid's.
Isn't the pH for a cory way different then your Africans? I think they say a cory is like 7.0 and the Africans are 8.0-8.2 they like hard water. It's just what I've read. I know some say it doesn't matter. I do agree however that pH stability is most important. I have fish from different pH ranges with my mixed African tank. I just had to drop acclimate them.
Convict2161 said:
Again it's JMO. I wouldn't do it. But then again every tank is different but I've heard horror story's about them with African Cichlid's.

I heard that fish raised together will have a less likely chance of aggressive behavior toward each other. I'm hoping they are still babies at least?
Anyway, to be more on-topic, I've heard that Acei cichlids go well, possibly rusty or firemouth. Someone could correct me.
Crew said:
I heard that fish raised together will have a less likely chance of aggressive behavior toward each other. I'm hoping they are still babies at least?
Anyway, to be more on-topic, I've heard that Acei cichlids go well, possibly rusty or firemouth. Someone could correct me.

I'm not an expert but I don't think firemouths would be a good idea
Convict2161 said:
Isn't the pH for a cory way different then your Africans? I think they say a cory is like 7.0 and the Africans are 8.0-8.2 they like hard water. It's just what I've read. I know some say it doesn't matter. I do agree however that pH stability is most important. I have fish from different pH ranges with my mixed African tank. I just had to drop acclimate them.

Most african cichlids can adjust to 7.4-7.8, i wouldnt recommend it but its possible to even go lower, as long as its done carefully. And cory cats can live in those water conditions.. But the cats definatly cant survive in whats 'natural' for the africans 8.0-8.2 is wayy to high for corys. I agree with the others the cats dont
Go well with them but if you can pull it off i say go for it just ne careful! Personally i like blue johonnis, peacocks (with slight caution), zebras, birchardi, and fish of that nature go well with yellow labs for the most part. Some people keep them with clown loaches but that also requires close supervision because cichlids are nasty!
What would be a better bottom feeder to have that will eat left over food??
I agree with convict2161 that a sydontis may be your best bet. I've heard of a number of separate accounts where those specific catfish were living with cichlids.
Crew said:
I agree with convict2161 that a sydontis may be your best bet. I've heard of a number of separate accounts where those specific catfish were living with cichlids.

It's true they do live with them. They also eat there eggs and lay there own eggs where the female Cichlid's pick them up not knowing there Synodontis eggs. It's crazy! Saw it on Natgeo. I have 2 in my 75 gallon.
Ok I'll pick one up today and I'll regime my Cory's!

What other fish are good?
Ok I'm going to the lfs today and I'll get a couple fish then I'll post some pics for you all
I and also I am thinking about getting a peacock eel....any thoughts??
No peacock eel will get killed I would just go with one featherfin catfish a great looking good bottom feeder for cichlid tanks I have one with my Oscar and convict and it does great.
Ok cool I just didn't know but I really like the peacock eel so I was jw.
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