What's the best way to move fish long distance.

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 25, 2011
Hi! I currently have a 10 gallon tank w/ 2 adult Black Mollies and a baby Black Molly as well as 2 Mickey Mouse Platties and a sucker fish (can't remember actual name of it). I plan on moving in the next month or two about 1700 miles from where I am now. I'm wondering what would be the best way to move the tank. I don't want to just leave them behind and start all over again, especially since my son loves his baby fish! LOL Any ideas would be great! I'm thinking of having someone start up a tank before we get up there so it will be cycled by the time we get there...thinking this may be the time to upgrade the tank to a bigger size like i've been wanting. LOL
The only thing I can think of is to get a couple of those little plastic tanks for the trip and cleaning the water when we stopped at night...not sure how the fish would do with that, i'm sure the move alone will be stressful for them, i don't want to add extra stress to them.
Any ideas would be great! Thanks. :D
Since you are moving you need to keep your filter media wet to keep the bacteria alive. You could always get one of those plastic coolers to put the fish in during the move. If you don't have a converter to run your pump from the cigarette lighter you can get a battery operated pump, You actually have enough fish for a larger tank it might be a good time to upgrade.
It's an excellent idea to move the tank to a bigger size, as those mollies will definitely outgrow your 10 gallon. In order to move, it's best to put your fish in rubbermaid containers or buckets with low water (make sure that it's 75% air at least in those buckets). Don't feed the fish for two days before you leave to make sure they' won't poop on the way and foul up their water.

Keep the filter media and gravel wet in their own bucket, as joy said, and set up the tank as soon as you can when you get there, with partially the water they're already in, let it run a few hours to get it cycled again before you add the fish in.
I will definitely remember to keep the filter media and gravel wet in their own bucket...should I use the water from the tank that's set up now for that?
this is a link to what I was thinking of getting to transport the fish (I was thinking 1 for every 1 or 2 fish) Amazon.com: Aquatic Gardens Deluxe Plastic Aquarium With Lid, Mini, Color:Blue: Kitchen & Dining I want to make sure they have enough air to survive since this is going to be about a 3 to 4 day trip. I'm thinking we'll be driving for about 12 hours a day. Should the heater be kept with the filter and gravel as well or will it be ok to put with the other "dry" stuff? Who knew traveling with fish could be so stressful! And to think I didn't pay more than a few bucks each for them! I'd hate to see how i'd be with some saltwater fish!!! LOL
Yeah, go ahead and use tank water. =] That looks great, especially since it's vented, but make sure you fill no more than 1/3 or half with water, and make sure you have it somewhere where it won't slide or rock too much.

You can keep the heater dry.

Best of luck!
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