Whats the Deal with heaters?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Sep 17, 2004
Niagara falls, USA
I dont want this to sound like a Seinfeld episode...lol

Why does everyone put there heater in on a diagonal slant?
Whats the purpose for this?
Well, mine is vertical....guess i'm hopelessly out of touch and/or behind the times. Been that way since junior high....I guess some things never change. :mrgreen:
one of mine is vert the other horiz. supposedly since heat rises, when it is horizontal or at a slant the heat doesn't pass directly over the thermostat, hence, less problems?? also you "supposedly" get better heat distribution. I have had fine luck both ways.
Yes, it's supposedly for better heat distribution. I have mine vertically, and as the others have said, I also have no problems with my water temperature. I think that the thermal currents created by the warm water rising will distribute the warm water over the tank, so you won't have any cold spots. I put my thermometer on the other side of the tank from the heater, and my temperature is always right where I set it.

My heater is submersible, and there are no problems with getting the cord in the water. I've seen some pictures of tanks where the heater is positioned horizontally at the bottom of the tank. It is a little strange to see a cord running up through the water like that! With the heater positioned vertically, my cord is only about an inch or two under the water. Plus it's a little easier to hide the heater with a plant.
Some of mine are vertical and some are horizontal. I haven't seen a difference with the heat of the tank. It would be interesting to see if the heater went on less when horizontal, but I don't have the time for that experiment!
interesting thread...
i think it should not make a difference as long as the filter is strong enough to circulate the water around...because 'forced convection' (a bit geeky :oops: ) is the principal mechanism of heat distribution in the tank...
without a filter, the horizontal configuration at the bottom of the tank would be best...that would be 'free convection' 8) ...
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