Where to get plants for my tank

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Mar 26, 2003
Central Illinois
Hello everyone,
I have a ten gallon tank set up already and the fish are doing great. I want to get some plants, but my LFS doesn't really have a good selection of plants. They have potted plants that look half dead. I want large healthy plants. Could I go to a seed store or a hardware store and get seeds to start my own plants? Or can I buy them through the mail somewhere?

I have a bamboo shoot that would fit in my tank (the bloom would stick out of the top of my tank .Would this be a good idea?
I dont know a lot about bamboo... But you can get some plants from Aquariumplant.com and a bunch of other places, I dont know which is the best though. I think Corvus knows the best one.
There are hundreds of places online to order plants, and though I appreciate it d9, I don't know the best by any means. do a google search for aquarium plants, you'll get a lot of hits, I guarantee. Most of them sell packages for certain size tanks, or you can order individual plants. As I recall, most of the assortments will be for tanks of 20 gallons or larger, so you'd probabaly be better off ordering individual plants. First time i bought online, I got an assortment that was supposed to be for a 30 gallon tank, and they sent me something close to 40 plants! It filled up a 45 gallon tank to the point of overcrowding, so i think you get my point.

Also, see if there is an aquarium club in your area, if there is, you can probably get some really good plants from members of the club, dirt cheap.

You didn't mention lighting or substrate, but if you have a standard single bulb type hood, look for plants with low light requirements, they'll probably do better for you.
I have a small florescent bulb (I'm not sure the wattage, it came with the hood I just bought. I know that's no help at all :roll: ) and small, colored, decorative gravel.

good place to learn about planted tanks. If going all-out is not what you're after, there are lists of low-light plants (listed as Hard-to-kill plants) availabe to purchase also. I do not work for them nor have I ever purchased from them, but I like their site.
I dont know how good a single tube light is, in my 10 gallon the light the hood came with is kind of weak, my anacharis isnt even really growing.
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