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Aquarium Advice Regular
Apr 16, 2005
PLease help me find the cheapest online store for a 75 or 90 gallon glass aquarium...I cant find a store online that gives prices and shipping info for a tank that size
I think you will find it cheaper to buy one locally to be honest. Maybe you could try Ebay or Aquabid? It will probably take a bit longer but you can get some great deals, especially if you are patient.
buying local IS your best bet....my lfs here is trying to push 90 gal tanks....they run specials all the time....right now they have a 90 gal w/ 3 door oak stand and oak canopy for $500. that is only $40 more than the 75 gal set-up.
I have to agree with the others. When I was shopping around for my 75, I found one place that was willing to ship. Since they had to use frieght service, they were going to charge an awesome amount of $$$ for it. This cost brought the price back to the level I was offered at my LFS (including delivery). Also, I would be screwed if they showed up and no one was home...storage charges would have been applied as well.
Yep, for larger, glass tanks, local is the only way to go. Surprisingly, the price of an actual tank isn't bad from a small LFS. Might only be $30 more than a big retail chain, and you're helping keep the little guys in business.
Continuing the tradition....

LFS is your best bet.... or even LPS if you want to save minimal money.

Most, if not all, E-Bay sellers want local pickup. Trust me, I've been looking for a used 100+ for relatively cheap.

You could always build your own Acrylic. (that's what I'm trying now... but only a 47 gal). :lol:
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