which snails are better out of these?????????

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 3, 2004
connecticut usa
Nerite Snails, Nassarius Snails, Cerith Snails, Margarita Snails, Astrea Snails, Blue Leg Hermits or Mexican Red Leg Hermits. which snails are good list 1 being the best 7 being not the best thanks
Depends on what you want them to do. Nassarius snails do a completely different job than Astrea's for example.

For general algae grazing, I like the Astrea and Trochus snails.

For removing uneaten food and other items off the bottom of the tank, I like the Nassarius and Cerith snails. These guys are great little scavengers. The Cerith will also get on the glass to help clean that as well.

Hermits are good for both getting uneaten food and removing algaes from the tank. I think the Scarlets are the best out of all of them, IMO.

If you use the search function and type in "snails", you will find an abundance of information on ths subject. More so that we could probably provide in this thread.

i was looking on this site and i clicked on cleaners and it comes wit a certain about of mexican turbo snails and then you get to pick the other amount out of those snails....i would just like some good cleaners
Astrea's are good algae cleaners, I have a few cerith also.... Mix of red and blue if you can't mix get the Scarlet if there true Scarlet leg if not get the blues..
Astrea are the best all around algae eater, Nassarius are the best all around detrius eater and sand stirrer. Ceriths are good because they do a little of both.

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