White critters and some stringy stuff on glass

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 24, 2020
My aquarium setup: I have a 130l aquarium that has been running for 5 years. It's stocked with guppies, endlers, different tetras, danios and corydoras. I also have some nerite snails. The aquarium is planted with anubias, aponogeton, christmas moss, cryptocoryne, helanthium, hygrophila, lilaeopsis, limnophila, monosolenium tenerum and riccia fluitans. The internal filter has different mechanial and biological materials (7 levels in total) and works great. I feed the fish twice a day and because I have a lot of fry swimming around I also feed them about 4 times per day (with fry food). The light is on for 9h per day, the temp is 25°C, the parametres are always normal (I test the water once per month). I do a WC once a week and always vacuum the gravel as well. viber_image_2020-03-24_15-22-45.jpg

Now to the problems. I have had an aquarium for the last 20 years and I never had unwanted snails. Well, now I do. I seems I brought them with a plant, even though I took the necessary precautions. By the looks of it, it's some kind of small ramshorn snail. I have no idea how to get rid of them since there are too many to remove manually, the traps don't work and I can't use chemicals because I also have nerite snails. Any suggestions? There is also this weird translucent round thing crawling on the glass and on plants (see photo) - could this be snail larvae? viber_image_2020-03-24_11-36-40.jpg

I also have another problem. There is this white stuff growing on the glass, on decorations or on the gravel. It's not worms. It's stringy, it honestly looks like thick spider webs. Any ideas what it might be? I remove it when I vacuum the aquarium, but it just comes back in a couple of days. :ermm:viber_image_2020-03-24_11-35-36.jpg
The round thing, you said it crawls along the glass? Does it have a shell on top of the blob? You have a lot going on there!

The white stuff looks like fungi. At the moment, not totally sure what to kill it with.

Thinking maybe removing the DW and using some common hydrogen peroxide, I think the standard is 3%. Scrub on with a clean old toothbrush to the areas which have been causing problems.

Or remove from the tank and treat with Seachem Flourish Excel scrub and leave on for about - guessing half an hour to kill it.

Maybe someone else has a better idea /had this type before.
Hi. Yes, the tiny little things crawl on glass and everywhere and they have a shell. Maybe it's limpets? ?

When I remove the white stringy stuff, it returns someplace else, never in the same spot twice. It's so weird. ?
Yes that pic on the leaf is a Limpet. Very cool! If you don't like them in there probably another aquarist would be interested.

As for the white stuff, very strange. Maybe slime mold, Myxomycota. Which I understand isn't harmful.
Don't know much about them, to be perfectly honest. I'm more bothered by the snails than these. It seems I really got more than I bargained for with that last plant. ?
Feed your fish tank minimal amounts for awhile, and the snails without excess food in the tank will reduce in population. Chances are the plants had a number of egg sacs on them. Removing manually will help, even though it seems there are way too many.

Add a piece of organic romaine and overnight the snails should be all over it, remove and try it again with another leaf or half leaf. It's like a trap because love to eat it.

After reducing a hundred or 2 hundred, things should be better.

Is it possible to move the fry of a designated tank?

I know feeding fry often is needed. If not able to move them just try cutting back on how fast you feed the fry, tiny pinch wait for them to eat it. Tiny pinch wait... etc.

The extra food is what's getting the snails to breed so fast.
I know the food is a problem, but I can't remove the fry because there are new ones literally every day (the last time I removed all new fry into a smaller tank because I felt sorry for them because everyone tried to eat them, I ended up with 300+ young fish I had to find a new home for. :) ). I'll try the lettuce. I've only tried zucchini and only a few snails were interested.

I'm wondering what will happen to my limpets. :-D
Too many babies problem!!!

I think as long as you do not scrub the sides and back glass or decorations/ rocks, the Limpets will have food.
I never do, because of my nerite snails. :-D

Thanks for all the advice!

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