White spot on my oscar??

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Dec 24, 2012
Just found a odd spot on top of my Oscar just in front of its dorsal fin when I was feeding him today.. Just wanted to get an opinion if this would have anything related to HITH syndrome?


That looks like a injury not Head And Lateral Line Errosion(HLLE), which normally starts in the sensory pits.

Thanks HUKIT that's what I figured but better safe than sorry and ask.. Now I'm just curious as to how he got that injury.... He is pretty much king of his domain and his tank mates don't bother him.

The bristle nose keeps to himself and so does the the rainbow shark both smaller than him and there at 4 juvie severums that only really hang around him during feeds as they are less than a quarter his size and eat his crumbs lol. It's a 75g but these guys are going to get moved into a 110g in a couple of months when I can afford to finish it off. The actual tank itself is cheap enough to get everything else I will either be building or saving dollars to buy.
Now I'm just curious as to how he got that injury.... He is pretty much king of his domain and his tank mates don't bother him.

Oscars are extremely clumsy, more than likely he ran into something either being spooked or chasing someone. My wife has always compared them to a bull in a china shop, something is going to get broken.
HUKIT said:
Oscars are extremely clumsy, more than likely he ran into something either being spooked or chasing someone. My wife has always compared them to a bull in a china shop, something is going to get broken.

Agreed. Nothing to see here, this is standard operating procedure for these klutzes

Oscars spook themselves regularly and end up with injuries like this. I rarely photograph my Oscar because I'm always waiting for the cuts to heal
Agreed. Nothing to see here, this is standard operating procedure for these klutzes

Oscars spook themselves regularly and end up with injuries like this. I rarely photograph my Oscar because I'm always waiting for the cuts to heal

Hahaha, he's definitely not one of the more graceful of my fish! Yesterday I thought I'd give him a treat and fed him live shrimp instead of his pallets and frozen feeds, this morning I go to check on him and found another cut. Looks like he caught himself on the driftwood stump chasing his dinner.
Oscars are extremely clumsy, more than likely he ran into something either being spooked or chasing someone. My wife has always compared them to a bull in a china shop, something is going to get broken.

Thanks. When I first got him he was just over half the size of my rainbow shark who used to chase him around the tank, now he is almost three times the size of the rainbow shark and from time to time still gets spooked by the rainbow shark lol.
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