white spots

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 19, 2003
I have had a problem with ich. I lost all my fish. I let my tank fallow for 6 weeks. I put a naso tang in about a week ago. He had been in QT with copper for 3 weeks straight from the LFS. I didn't want to take any chances. I also purchased a uv sterilzer which has been on the tank for 2 weeks. The fish seems very happy in his new home. Eating very well. frozen brime, and worms also algae on a clip after soaked in garlic. To night I noticed a couple of white spots on him. They are tiny tiny. NOT cotton looking. He is swimming well. I am soooooooooooo afraid of ich now that I might be seeing something that isn't out of the orinary. Is it possible for this to be part of his body? He is very young.

I don't want to overlook anything, I might just be parinoid.
IMO after a copper treatment you should leave him in qt for a couple more weeks to make sure it doesn't come back.
6 weeks fallow should be good for the main though.
It may be debris, keep an eye on it. As i'm sure you know, tangs are ich magnets.
I know the feeling, after a bout with velvet earlier in the year, I am on the paranoid side too.
The fish never had ich. I just put the copper safe in the QT tank as a precaution while he was in there. That's why I can't see this being ich.

We will see what happens. I have a clown that I just purchased in QT now. He looks fine, but I am going to leave him there for another week.
bosslady said:
The fish never had ich. I just put the copper safe in the QT tank as a precaution while he was in there. That's why I can't see this being ich.
If done as a prevenatative measure, I hope you still monitored the levels of copper to be sure they where at the right dosage to be effective. If not, there is a chance the problem (if present) was simpley supressed. Three weeks at the proper dosage should have eliminated any problems but I do agree with Quarry, the tang should have remained for a few more weeks after the med was removed to be sure.

We will see what happens. I have a clown that I just purchased in QT now. He looks fine, but I am going to leave him there for another week.
The clown should stay in the QT for a full 4 weeks. I would also not suggest using copper this time around. They are just as prone to other protazoan parasites that copper will not treat especially if WC.

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