Whites spots help please

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 7, 2014
Hi guys I have recently noticed that my oscar and pike cichlid have these white spots all over there body, if you could tell me what it is or what to do I would appreciate it thanks ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1403748556.152244.jpg

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I think it might be ich

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Hey thanks for replying I am going to swing by my lfs and buy some salt a extra heater and some copper so I can nip it in the butt

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I have cured Ich successfully multiple times with heat alone.

ALSO there are ALOT safer ways to cure Ich than TOXIC copper. Kordons Rid Ich, or API Super Ich cure.
I have cured Ich successfully multiple times with heat alone.

ALSO there are ALOT safer ways to cure Ich than TOXIC copper. Kordons Rid Ich, or API Super Ich cure.

Agreed 100%.

I have gone through ich at least once in all of my tanks (currently have 4 running, had 6 at one point), and have treated them all successfully with just heat alone. I have also used salt, at a very low dosage (1 tbsp per 10 gallons), in addition to heat, but have found that it is not necessary.

If you do decide to add salt, make sure you lower your water for more aeration, or add an air stone. Also, add salt slowly over a few hours. I dissolve all my salt in an old water bottle, filled with tank water, and then add this to my tank gradually.

FYI, I used kosher salt from walmart, which is much cheaper than aquarium salt found at local pet stores.

I strongly suggest trying to cure the ich with heat first, before using any chemicals/meds.

Good luck!
Heat alone works just fine as long as the temp is at 86 degrees or higher as Ich cannot reproduce at those temperatures and die off. The nice thing about it, is at that temperature, the life cycle is sped up and might take rougly 4-6 days to run its cycle at high temps.
Forgot to mention, if you do decide to go the heat route, make sure you leave the temp at 86F for at least 2 weeks.

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You also don't want to raise or lower to fast 1 degree every hour or two.

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While we are on the subject.
A piece of understanding?

For years the standing treatment for Ich has been heat and aquarium salt.
In fact the salt does nothing to combat Ich. But Salt DOES improve gill function. Warmer water holds less O2, so I was under the impression the salt is to help the fish cope with the heat, right?

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While we are on the subject.
A piece of understanding?

For years the standing treatment for Ich has been heat and aquarium salt.
In fact the salt does nothing to combat Ich. But Salt DOES improve gill function. Warmer water holds less O2, so I was under the impression the salt is to help the fish cope with the heat, right?

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The salt dehydrates the Ich. That is the theory anyway.

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Yeah the salt is a better option if you can't raise the temp as high for some fish. Raising the temp to 86+ and there should be no need for salt.
Yeah the salt is a better option if you can't raise the temp as high for some fish. Raising the temp to 86+ and there should be no need for salt.

That's right, I know plecos hate salt, and invertebrates hate salt. I know my Haplochromis fryeri hates salt, lol.
Heat is the best, i cleared out a little bit of Ich off my very sensitive cardinals just using heat, 10 days at 86* didn't even stress about it, which was nice, because my first encounter with Ich, it was ridiculously stressful, I spent money on all these meds, fish died, it was a miserable time.

Idk if I said this already it not, but Ich generally doesn't just happen. Healthy fish can fight it off no problem, it's when fish get stressed they are susceptible. That's why QT are important for new fish.
In established tanks, it's almost always prolonged nitrates that lead to Ich IME, but identifying and fixing the cause of those stress factors is just as important if not more for treating Ich
And you're right that Ich doesn't just happen. First off it needs to be introduced from an outside source as it is not always present in the water column as so many people will try to tell you. Once introduced though it still isn't a huge threat as long as your tank is clean and maintaned. It's once one fish is stressed or sick or just vulnerable is when it will take advantage of the situation and be able to infect the first one and then spread from there.
I think the ich came from the minnows I bought from my lfs I bought some box ich and had aquarium salt started the cure process yesterday and problem seems to be a bit better since then

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