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Because my bookshelf I had over my 28 crashed down and I had to clean it all up! Such a mess!! Luckily most of the stuff landed outside of the tank, but since it's open top some got in, but the Filter is screwed up, and an empty jar of air freshener landed into it. Had to rush to grab everything out and do a large w/c before anything worse happened.

I'm so mad at myself! Literally 2 days ago I was talking to my dad about how it might be a bit too heavy and was planning to take it down sometime this week, guess I should have done it when we talked about it
I'm a wake because yesterday I made the dumb decision to take a 5 hour nap. Which is now causing me to not be able to go to sleep. But I guess I'll just stay on AA all night.
Because my bookshelf I had over my 28 crashed down and I had to clean it all up! Such a mess!! Luckily most of the stuff landed outside of the tank, but since it's open top some got in, but the Filter is screwed up, and an empty jar of air freshener landed into it. Had to rush to grab everything out and do a large w/c before anything worse happened.

I'm so mad at myself! Literally 2 days ago I was talking to my dad about how it might be a bit too heavy and was planning to take it down sometime this week, guess I should have done it when we talked about it

I had a very large shelf over my 29 gallon. I removed it before I set up the tank.
I'm up getting ready for deployment to Oklahoma. The state as activated the DMAT(Disaster Medical Assistance Team) so... I'll be leaving tonight and probably be back next week.

I won't be on the forum at all, I'll try and touch base if and when time allows. God bless.

I'm up getting ready for deployment to Oklahoma. The state as activated the DMAT(Disaster Medical Assistance Team) so... I'll be leaving tonight and probably be back next week.

I won't be on the forum at all, I'll try and touch base if and when time allows. God bless.


Please be safe. Thank you for being a hero.
Convict2161 said:
I'm up getting ready for deployment to Oklahoma. The state as activated the DMAT(Disaster Medical Assistance Team) so... I'll be leaving tonight and probably be back next week.

I won't be on the forum at all, I'll try and touch base if and when time allows. God bless.


Yes, please stay safe. It is a wonderful thing you do - clearancepuppy is right, you are a hero.
I'm up getting ready for deployment to Oklahoma. The state as activated the DMAT(Disaster Medical Assistance Team) so... I'll be leaving tonight and probably be back next week.

I won't be on the forum at all, I'll try and touch base if and when time allows. God bless.


be safe those twisters are no joke
and there still hitting hard
54seaweed said:
be safe those twisters are no joke
and there still hitting hard

No they are not a joke! When I was a kid I watched a very mild tornado tear through my front yard. Even though it was only like an f1 it was still terrifying.
Good luck dino I was in the Katrina cleanup crew wish I could go to Oklahoma to help out. Keep a good ear out for for the trains with no tracks. Me and Lydia will pray for you to be safe.
MMantelli said:
Good luck dino I was in the Katrina cleanup crew wish I could go to Oklahoma to help out. Keep a good ear out for for the trains with no tracks. Me and Lydia will pray for you to be safe.

As someone who flooded in Katrina, just wanted to say thank you!
As someone who flooded in Katrina, just wanted to say thank you!

Your welcome I still can't get some of what I saw out of my head. We had a street map but the neghiborhood we were assigned to it was so bad we tossed the map out. I think we came across almost 20 bodies in the couple weeks I was there.
God Speed my friend. Be careful and thanks for your service. My prays will be with you and all involved. See you when you get back. OS. Brian.
I'm up getting ready for deployment to Oklahoma. The state as activated the DMAT(Disaster Medical Assistance Team) so... I'll be leaving tonight and probably be back next week.

I won't be on the forum at all, I'll try and touch base if and when time allows. God bless.


Don't bother with this, you will get a pass my friend. Thank you for what your doing.
I'm up getting ready for deployment to Oklahoma. The state as activated the DMAT(Disaster Medical Assistance Team) so... I'll be leaving tonight and probably be back next week.

I won't be on the forum at all, I'll try and touch base if and when time allows. God bless.


Thank you Dino and stay safe! I'm sure your tank will be a jungle when you return. Gods speed.
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