Why are up right NOW?!?!

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Added a new angel and been watching the pecking order go on to make sure things don't get out of hand(thanks mike for dropping this angel on me). Currently 1110 pm for me
Usually when I'm up in the wee hours of night/morming it's because of being awoke by a "bladder call".
When you get to be an old f*rt like me your prostate swells and makes you get up to pee 3 or 4 times a night. Sheeeesh! It keeps pulling you out of a good sleep until you finally HAVE to get up, then your wide eyed for about another hour. I come into to AA until sleepy again. "Golden Years My *ss!" LOL OS.
Waiting for a raok to end and searching for free or cheap shrimp to get to learn how to care for them before I get more expensive ones for my planted 10g
I was watching a movie.
But it's 12:33 now and I'm sleepy so I am going to bed!
Hey Congrats Mantelli,
How far along is your wire and do you know if its a boy or girl yet? Is this your first? Maybe a fish tank helper in a few years! LOL OS.
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