Why are up right NOW?!?!

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Hey Congrats Mantelli,
How far along is your wire and do you know if its a boy or girl yet? Is this your first? Maybe a fish tank helper in a few years! LOL OS.

THANK YOU!!!!!! My 2nd her first. its a girl. Her name is gonna be Gracie-Mae Horstman no middle name. Due date is July 21
I'm up because I've got the worst head/chest cold I've had in years. Then Thurs. morning at 2:52 am my mother passed away. She was 85. My brother and I were at the hosp. almost all night. I got to hold her hand as she took her last breath. We recited the Lord's Prayer. I'm too weak to do much but sleep today. Also all the memories filling my mind. Not a good week for me. Hug/call your moms and tell her you love her. OS.
I'm sorry for your loss OS.

I'm up right now because SCHOOLS OUT and I wanna stay up late, and sleep in. Also, I'm watching Out Of The Wild: Venezuela while I eat chocolate cake.
Because I was baby sitting an auction. I won! Lol

I have to be up in 3 1/2 hours, tomorrow's going to be the worst day ever!
Got home from work and relaxing after a stressful day as a cook. Then relaxing before my summer school for college starts in two weeks or so.
I'm up because I've got the worst head/chest cold I've had in years. Then Thurs. morning at 2:52 am my mother passed away. She was 85. My brother and I were at the hosp. almost all night. I got to hold her hand as she took her last breath. We recited the Lord's Prayer. I'm too weak to do much but sleep today. Also all the memories filling my mind. Not a good week for me. Hug/call your moms and tell her you love her. OS.

Sorry for your loss...Yes tell your mom's that everyday, gang. I lost mine 13 years ago.Miss her everyday. Hang in there OS....
I'm up because I've got the worst head/chest cold I've had in years. Then Thurs. morning at 2:52 am my mother passed away. She was 85. My brother and I were at the hosp. almost all night. I got to hold her hand as she took her last breath. We recited the Lord's Prayer. I'm too weak to do much but sleep today. Also all the memories filling my mind. Not a good week for me. Hug/call your moms and tell her you love her. OS.

Don't be sad but rejoice she is in a better place with her Father waiting on you.
Old Scales said:
I'm up because I've got the worst head/chest cold I've had in years. Then Thurs. morning at 2:52 am my mother passed away. She was 85. My brother and I were at the hosp. almost all night. I got to hold her hand as she took her last breath. We recited the Lord's Prayer. I'm too weak to do much but sleep today. Also all the memories filling my mind. Not a good week for me. Hug/call your moms and tell her you love her. OS.

I'm so sorry for your loss. Losing a parent is always tough. Just hold onto all those good memories of her, and be glad you were able to be with her at the end.
sorry for your loss
It's not easy losing a mom the one who raised you your whole life

I lost my mom 30+years ago she was 54
till this day I still miss her

I know they will meet and take care of each other on the other side
It's 1:15 and I'm up because I want to finish watching Cabin in the Woods. I also still have to put tonight's leftovers away... And I need to wake up fairly early to go to a party for
My cousin's birthday tomorrow.
Usually when I'm up in the wee hours of night/morming it's because of being awoke by a "bladder call".
When you get to be an old f*rt like me your prostate swells and makes you get up to pee 3 or 4 times a night. Sheeeesh! It keeps pulling you out of a good sleep until you finally HAVE to get up, then your wide eyed for about another hour. I come into to AA until sleepy again. "Golden Years My *ss!" LOL OS.

Two words ... " adult diapers" KIDDING lolol. Or man protection as the commercials say :p

Edit: Dumb@$$ here (me) didn't see your post about your mom until after posted this one. My condolences to you and your family.
Don't feel bad clearance, life is like that. Happy one moment, sad the next. But always back to happy is what we must be. Thank You very much. OS.
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