why is my water brown

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Aug 30, 2012
I just started a 2.5 gallon shrimp tank with potting mix as soil and my water is brownish and orange. Is this because of the dirt or something else.
It's tannins leaching out of the dirt. WC's will help and using Purgen in the filter will work.
Thanks I also have one more question is a co2 diffuser worth buying.
Ok and what are some good beginner pants
I'm getting a co2 system but I just want to see if you guys think herring a diffuser its worth it.
What lights are you using as that will determine the type of plants. Depending on your amount of lighting IMO using small plants in such small tanks looks the best. Crypt Parva, Java fern wendilov, mosses, thin stem plants like Rotala Wallichii or bacopa australis, dwarf baby tears and dwarf hair grass all work well with higher light. Dwarf baby tears and dwarf hairgrass need high light, CO2, and ferts to do well.
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