Wigglers At Last!!!!!

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I may have overdone it. The new Gold/ Zebra Veil pair laid eggs today and he did his part ( I watched :brows:) so I couldn't resist and pulled the spawn to put in a bottle. Brought the bottle in the house and placed it on the table with the 3 other bottles and the 2 1/2 gal tank, all with Angle fry in them, and I heard the table creak. LOL I think I limited out my table :eek: :facepalm: I'm actually now keeping the slates OUT of the other 2 pairs cause I don't have room. I have the tanks but I don't have the electric to run them all or the space on the rack to put them so that they are functional. I'm off on Monday to pick up even more tanks.
What did I get myself into?? :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::banghead::banghead::banghead::lol:
Speaking of Koi Angels, my Koi Angels, haven't had a spawn in a couple weeks, since the tank change and then the broken heater :(.

They were laying and fertilizing eggs all the time every week before.

What is the optimum temp for them? The new heater is working fine, I think it was at 79F last time I saw it.
Here's a video of my oldest babies. The larger Gold Marbles in the tape are the only survivors from the original Gold Marbles from the trio. They became free swimming about Oct. 1 ( I looked it up after I shot the vid.)
Enjoy :D
Speaking of Koi Angels, my Koi Angels, haven't had a spawn in a couple weeks, since the tank change and then the broken heater :(.

They were laying and fertilizing eggs all the time every week before.

What is the optimum temp for them? The new heater is working fine, I think it was at 79F last time I saw it.

Angels do best between 78 and 82 degrees. Some breeders keep them on the warmer end, some the colder end both with breeding success. Tanks changes can throw the pair off their breeding cycle so I wouldn't panic that they haven't spawned with all that has happened. Once they get back into your routine, they should start up again. Cooler water changes after a week or so of conditioning and they should be ready to go at it ;)
Thank you for the reassurance, I was just positive I would have babies right now, lol! (not really but I did think I would be closer than I am now)

It is good to know.
Thank you for the reassurance, I was just positive I would have babies right now, lol! (not really but I did think I would be closer than I am now)

It is good to know.

There has been 1 thing I have learned over my many years of keeping fish: Fish DO NOT LIKE change. It's why I do smaller water changes more frequently, make sure any tank I move fish to has similar water parameters to what they are coming from and am surprised that people doing massive water changes (i.e. 30%, 50% or higher) don't suffer massive losses by doing this.
I've encountered hundreds of boxes of fish and anytime the acclimation was too fast, the fish died or got sick. I've kept hundreds of tanks in my hobby career and know that you can't just move a fish from tank A to tank B without a lot of care. That should be the same with massive water changes unless you are matching the existing water. (which most people do not do.) And if you are matching the water, what are you gaining by changing it? New water will be clean but should be cleaner and healthier than what the fish are presently in. That's why I was taught to change it frequently but not drastically.
I'm just sayin' ;)

Hang in there, once they settle back down, they should start spawning again (y) (Just make sure they are not in a public throughfare or in an area of high disturbance. That CAN shut down breeding with Angelfish :( )
more mixed news... i have been at my sister in laws for 4 days as i watch my nieces while she works... i came home to tanks in chaos! my 55's divider was down, the 20's divider was down, and all but 1 of the juvies i has saved with leopard and the striped one died (a leopard is still alive.) the puzzling part about the deaths is there is a small baby in a breeder box in the same tank that is fine, as well as 10 guppies, a betta, and snails, all fine! i only lost angels... but in the 20g i had a surprise! the gold and marble with the oddly shaped body were being very defensive so i put them together, almost just to test him, and dispite the divider being moved, and there being a bunch of juvie angels on the other side of the divider, i have wigglers! so my gold male is now proven! i plan to move them tomorrow as im headed to bed soon, and will take them to my sisters with me so i can care for them... i put everyone in the 55 back where they belonged (my male was very happy to be back in familiar space) and he is with the other marble. i know i had said that i wouldnt breed the one with the odd body, but since i got wigglers i may as well raise them! who knows, maybe its an old healed injury, knowing her past i wouldnt doubt it... anyways! more ups and downs! glad to see everyone else is doing good!
These beauties will be here tomorrow

moved the wigglers... they look to be about 3rd day wiggling and def on the small side but should be ready for bbs by the time i head back to my sisters and transfer them to the 2.5. they are in a 1g hex right now with just an airstone as my filter is at my sisters... and the tank that lost all my leopard juvies in has my other sponge... i DEF need more filters! anything else i can do to increase their chances! im super excited! i can see some very faint marbling on some of the fry! (mother is a marble with lots of black, and a some yellow on her face and upper body, father is a veil, maybe super veil, gold) cant wait to watch these babies grow!
Got my order today. They were supposed to all be 50 cent size I have two that are close to silver dollar size. They schooled up as soon as they all got in the tank and can't stop admiring their reflections. I also have two that are staying very close to each other.
Got my order today. They were supposed to all be 50 cent size I have two that are close to silver dollar size. They schooled up as soon as they all got in the tank and can't stop admiring their reflections. I also have two that are staying very close to each other.

BFF's! Mine that did that paired off! That is really big size, did they travel well?

PICS!!! :popcorn:
BFF's! Mine that did that paired off! That is really big size, did they travel well?

PICS!!! :popcorn:

They traveled well, shipped saturday at noon were at PO here at noon today. There was one I was worried about (listing in the bag) but as soon as they were released he perked up.

I'll post a pic in my next post but it may take time for a mod to approve it.
Wow very pretty and such a good size.

Well my 48" light bulb burned out so I went to the store.... and ended up finding these.

Can anyone tell me what I found, if they actually have a name.

The Altum (corrected silver mix) looking fish seems to have a pink peach color on the Dorsal fin. There was a really gorgeous one, the biggest, but it kept butting the other fish, so I skipped him, already a trouble maker. Got the two pretty smaller ones, one had very sharp lines and was especially colorful. They are a little golden like the pic.


Then also got what looks like a pretty Koi Angel in the pic on the right, though a little darker in person, and one which seems less orange but has some nice orange on his head and more lace black pattern on his body (not in the pic). These are when they were in the store and I was waiting for the associate to come over to catch them. The silver mix one I bought. I didn't get the light colored one.

Sorry, I don;t see any Altum looking fish in these pictures. I see Common Silvers but not Altums. Google Altum Angelfish pictures and you'll see the difference between them and a Silver Scalare. ;)

Nice looking fish tho ;)
Sorry, I don;t see any Altum looking fish in these pictures. I see Common Silvers but not Altums. Google Altum Angelfish pictures and you'll see the difference between them and a Silver Scalare. ;)

Nice looking fish tho ;)

Ok, good to know. Thanks for the info. Mainly got them because they were pretty :) They were listed as "assorted" and were 3.99, which seemed like a fair price.

Hoping the 2, Koi and possible Koi colored, pan out for some nice color. Since they were in the store and a fairly decent color and I hope will color up better as they get comfortable. My other baby Koi Angels cost 9.99 ea.

What are the prices any of you other Koi Angel keepers paid and what % orange are they?

I ran out of pic room here on AA and will be going out of town this week, so maybe won't have time to get a good pic til I get back.
I paid $7.99 & $9.99 for the Koi I got on my trip up North but these fish were a quarter body size minimum. Some had a lot of Orange and some had little. ( Scairdy Koi is almost all white and Black with a little orange.) I'd bet each town all over the country is going to be different in pricing based on availability and costs to get the fish so just keep that in mind when you get your answers. ;)
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