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A few better pics of my handsome new boy!!! I cant wait 2 have him paired with one of the girls.


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First you need to know what you plan on doing with the fry. If you want start selling them on a regular basis then you need to set up your tanks first. All my tanks were are reaction instead of being proactive and plan. It ends up a mess. As with all fish care patience and planning is key. Then read through this thread. Andy has mentioned to tank setup many times here. Good luck!

Thank you I will be sure to read the whole thread.
so.... Cass is the most ready 2 spawn, so after alot of fighting i seperated the other 3 angels from Cass and my new male... so now as i sit here typing this her tube is fully dropped, but he doesnt seem as interested in pairing yet, and she keeps biting his tail... he has turned 2 face her a few times, but thats it... they are in the 55g with a slate, ive been feeding bloodworms, but he isnt interested in them... next step is a cool wc, which prob wont be til monday... i may be able 2 do one 2day if anyone thinks it will help get him in the mood so she leaves his tail alone... i doubt she has encountered a veil before... any help is appreciated!
My females tubes are usually out for a couple of days before spawning. I wouldn't do a cool water change. Angels usually prefer stabile water conditions. That being said if your nearing a scheduled water change make sure you do it at that time. Doing so may encourage them to spawn. Mine typically spawn after a water change
I have been told by bob and others that cool water changes mimic the rains and trigger spawning... not cold, just a few degrees cooler than tank temp... not due for another wc til monday... her tube has been dropped, but not quite fully for 3 days now... fully dropped 2day. But ive had him less than a week also.
If this is a former breeder, sometimes seeing the female laying eggs will kick start him back into action. The water change will help as well HOWEVER you also have to take into consideration that the fish was just moved so nothing you do might work THIS time. Be prepared for both outcomes and don't be disappointed if nothing comes from this spawn.

As for food, try to replicate what he was being fed before. Higher protein foods help get breeders "In the mood". ;)
Ive been feeding tetra flakes and omega one cichlid flakes... why is she attacking his tail tho??? Its even worse than before... is it normal for breeding 2 cause so much damage for veils??
And i know she has bred... but im not sure if him and his previous mate actually succeeded in spawning, all i know is they were getting ready with tubes dropped when i first saw him...
Every Angel pair is different. Some of my previous pairs would never be salable once they were finished breeding. They were just too ugly and disfigured from the courtship nuptuals. That's cichlids for you. I can't say for sure why so much attention to his tail. (Maybe he dipped it into worm paste and she's trying to eat it? lol )
Lol maybe!!! I hope he pays more attention to her soon so she leaves his tail alone.
Wooooo hooooo I have eggs again.. Iv coved the tank as to not stress them, I'm not messing with them this time as I want baby's for longer than 2 bloody weeks lol
so... apparently Cass got tired of waiting as she is now laying on the filter intake:facepalm:... she loves that thing which is part of why they will have the OTHER end of the tank when i divide it... he is ignoring her so far:banghead:... but having a male with her stimulated her 2 lay, and seeing her spawn will hopefully kick him into baby making mode like it did Luc:confused:... ill be able 2 see if she still eats them 2... i know she will eat them all eventually... they wont be fertile...
I forgot how big her spawns were!!!! She is still laying, but its bed time for me so here is a pic of what she has layed so far...


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I was starting to cycle a 20 and 10 gallon for my angels because i had a pair lay last week and was gonna put them in the 20 as a breeder tank and the ten as a baby tank. Well we came home from dinner today to find our breeder pair layed today and another pair also formed and layed a small batch. The breeder pair layed last monday and ate the eggs cause they were in a community tank. So hopefully they are gonna start laying regularly from now on once i move them into thweir own tank
There seems to be a recurring comment by new Angelfish breeders that I think needs attention.
Angelfish who breed for the first time in a community tank rarely eat their spawn because of the other fish in the tank. They do so because they know the spawn is a bust as most times, the first 3-6 spawns usually are. This would also have happened had they been in a separate tank. It's just that the fish started out in a community tank so the misnomer is that THAT had something to do with the lost spawn. It didn't. The only thing Breeding Angels usually do in a community tank, related to spawning and their eggs, is beat the crap out of the other fish in the tank if the tank is too small.

Carry on ;)
Wow!!! The tables have turned!! Cass is tending her sadly unfertile eggs, and bruiser has tried 2 eat them and been beat down... so she has def matured and learned from the past... now 2 get him spawning with her...
This is the 5th time one of my angels have bred but only the second time with this male. Now my other pair is their first time ever. So idk how they are gonna do but im gonna seperate both pairs in the 20 and let them do their thing and pull the eggs and put them my 10 to hatch.
This is the 5th time one of my angels have bred but only the second time with this male. Now my other pair is their first time ever. So idk how they are gonna do but im gonna seperate both pairs in the 20 and let them do their thing and pull the eggs and put them my 10 to hatch.

I wouldn't do that if I were you. One pair to a 20. It's too small for 2 breeding pairs. ( Trust me ;))
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