Wigglers At Last!!!!!

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well first of all u need to get your but over here and get some empty tanks. well i look at it like this 1/3 would be about the same as a 20 tall so yes it will prob. be ok. i have 8 in a 55 and when a pair gets frisky i do the same thing. but thats my breeder back up tank in case i lose one i got a replacement breeder. i no its a side project but you will need more tanks. cause you will have fry about every 15 to 20 days if they are a good pair. or u can let them parent raise some i guess.
I'm a complete and utter frigging moron!!!!!!! Iv gone and kill 95% of my baby's!!!! I wanted to move them to there own tank, I set the new tank up with an established sponge filter with the idea to take 80% of the water from there tank and put it into the new one! But being a complete frigging tit in my rush to get things done before picking my son up from day care I forgot to move the water and filled the new tank with 100% new water!!! Put baby's in and went along my daily routine!! Came home to fine nearly all dead and the last 10 swimming for a second before laying on the bottom of the tank!! Really think fish keeping ain't for me :-( never felt so ****** in my life
Thats what im gonna do, and cull pretty heavily. BUT... i got my male 2day!!! His fins are beat 2 crap, and he hasnt settled down from the move but i got some pics... so here he is... i cant wait til his fins heal!!!


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I'm a complete and utter frigging moron!!!!!!! Iv gone and kill 95% of my baby's!!!! I wanted to move them to there own tank, I set the new tank up with an established sponge filter with the idea to take 80% of the water from there tank and put it into the new one! But being a complete frigging tit in my rush to get things done before picking my son up from day care I forgot to move the water and filled the new tank with 100% new water!!! Put baby's in and went along my daily routine!! Came home to fine nearly all dead and the last 10 swimming for a second before laying on the bottom of the tank!! Really think fish keeping ain't for me :-( never felt so ****** in my life

Don't worry about. Use it as a learning experience for the next batch (there is always another spawn). I move my fry the Andy way suggested by siphoning them into a bucket and put them into the larger tank. This way they aren't out of water which I believe would be more of a shock than 100% fresh water (I assume you put water conditioner in it)
Don't worry about. Use it as a learning experience for the next batch (there is always another spawn). I move my fry the Andy way suggested by siphoning them into a bucket and put them into the larger tank. This way they aren't out of water which I believe would be more of a shock than 100% fresh water (I assume you put water conditioner in it)

I did after I got back home and realised my mistake,
Then it would have been the chlorine. Usually I fill the tank the day before the move allowing the chlorine that possibly isn't neutralized by the conditioner to evaporate. You read through this thread you'll see the mistakes I've made but Andy and Bob are a great help even assurances :D
nice good job chicy thats a beautiful angel. do good regular pwc and the fins will heal. it takes a bit of time but they will look good soon. happy fish is a healthy fish.
Thanx bob!!! I know the fins would heal... should i put a bit of salt, like a half dose, to help them heal?? And prevent infection of any kind?? Wc's all around is @the the top of my list for 2morrow. He was settling in a bit and nibbling food when i shut down the tanks... i know i need 2 come get tanks, but it wont be for a while... and i plan on letting them raise them as much as possible... if i split up the pair will the single parent raise them longer?? If noone knows i may just experiment and find out...
I'm a complete and utter frigging moron!!!!!!! Iv gone and kill 95% of my baby's!!!! I wanted to move them to there own tank, I set the new tank up with an established sponge filter with the idea to take 80% of the water from there tank and put it into the new one! But being a complete frigging tit in my rush to get things done before picking my son up from day care I forgot to move the water and filled the new tank with 100% new water!!! Put baby's in and went along my daily routine!! Came home to fine nearly all dead and the last 10 swimming for a second before laying on the bottom of the tank!! Really think fish keeping ain't for me :-( never felt so ****** in my life

Don't feel bad. I've killed a few fish myself learning how NOT to kill fish ;)

If you read back through this thread, I believe I gave a"blow by blow" description of how I move eggs and fry. In a nut shell, I move eggs into a new tank with water they were layed in and add more new clean water daily until the tank is filled. I move fry by siphoning them into a bucket then acclimating them into the new tank ( with all new water) before releasing. I always assume that the new water will not be exactly the same as the water the fish are coming from so I acclimate " Just to make sure" the transition is slow. But read back to get the full details.

The good thing about Angelfish, they give you plenty of chances to screw up until YOU get the spawning and fry raising thing down pat :D Don't fret :blink:

Hope this helps (y)
My new male is exploring more, accompanied by Cass, and sometimes the other girls before Cass chases them off. They are rarely seperated and its only been about 24 hrs... all the girls like him!! But ye likes Cass and is following her around.


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I moved all my angels to a 55 gallon over the weekend, so I thought I'd have a break from spawning. Nope. Pumba is laying eggs, but apparently she broke up with Blackie. Timon is her new mate now lol

and I didnt get a chance to break down the tank I took them out off, so I will be attempting to move the pair and the eggs back to that tank to have to themselves. Time to hatch BBS!
I moved all my angels to a 55 gallon over the weekend, so I thought I'd have a break from spawning. Nope. Pumba is laying eggs, but apparently she broke up with Blackie. Timon is her new mate now lol

and I didnt get a chance to break down the tank I took them out off, so I will be attempting to move the pair and the eggs back to that tank to have to themselves. Time to hatch BBS!

It has been my experience that once the fish start spawning, usually only really crappy water conditions make them stop. You don't get a break from spawnings but you can choose whether to "work" the spawn. Putting pairs (or spawning fish) back into a community setting only endangers the other fish.

Just something to think about :whistle:
I'm gonna see if these get fertilized first and determine my next move. I wanted to get rid of the corner tank they were in so I will transfer the water to my empty 29 gallon and move the pair in there. I did see some white eggs when I left for work so I'll see how it looks tonite.

Then there is my other female that is spawning without a mate.......
Just received a proven pair of Pearlscale angels yesterday. They settled in to my tank like they had been there for ever. They are already looking for a spot to lay eggs. Cant wait for them to lay the eggs.
How many tanks do I need?

First you need to know what you plan on doing with the fry. If you want start selling them on a regular basis then you need to set up your tanks first. All my tanks were are reaction instead of being proactive and plan. It ends up a mess. As with all fish care patience and planning is key. Then read through this thread. Andy has mentioned to tank setup many times here. Good luck!
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