Wigglers At Last!!!!!

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It was 2.5 days i was expecting wigglers tonight instead of last night when i checked. Im gonna do a small water change when i get home from work.

OKay, you are probably closer to 80-82 then. I'm running about 76-78 and they are taking a solid 72 hours. You may want to check your thermometer just to make sure it is accurate and synchrinized to your heater. Rapid hatching doesn't always bode well for the fry. I had that a lot with the Bettas I was hatching outdoors in the summertime. They would hatch out really quick but have many problems and die off within the first week. Once I moved them inside the house, all the problems stopped. ( I should have thought of that again when the first Angel spawns weren't hatching :facepalm:)
I'm extremely disappointed with my "new" black marbles. I think Andy's right that they're past their breeding prime. The spawn sizes are about 150 which is small compared to my other angels. And so far I have no viable wigglers yet. They laid again yesterday and I pulled the eggs. Only a couple haven't tuned white yet. One thing I'm not sure of is which is male and which is female. Perhaps they are both female. They did come from a trio and he was "missing" one when he gave them to me. Perhaps he was missing the male. Every time they spawn its during the day while I'm out to work so I can say if both parties are involved or if they are a pair.
I'm extremely disappointed with my "new" black marbles. I think Andy's right that they're past their breeding prime. The spawn sizes are about 150 which is small compared to my other angels. And so far I have no viable wigglers yet. They laid again yesterday and I pulled the eggs. Only a couple haven't tuned white yet. One thing I'm not sure of is which is male and which is female. Perhaps they are both female. They did come from a trio and he was "missing" one when he gave them to me. Perhaps he was missing the male. Every time they spawn its during the day while I'm out to work so I can say if both parties are involved or if they are a pair.

I feel for ya Ray. I know exactly what that is like :facepalm:
In our day of modern technology, is there a way for you to hook up a camera to either record them all day or you can check up on them during the day? Maybe this can answer all your questions?

Just trying to think "outside the aquarium (box)" lol (y)
I do have a camcorder that I could do that would do that. The difficulty is they usually show no signs of getting ready to spawn and they're not regular. I usually come from and go in the fishroom and find that they've spawned. Grr. I'm going to start recording them everyday just in case lol.
We are expecting around 20-30mm of freezing rain this evening so the power companies are saying be prepared for power outages. Yikes! Don't want a repeat of last October and like Andy did already I'm getting myself ready. Going out to get a generator just in case.
I do have a camcorder that I could do that would do that. The difficulty is they usually show no signs of getting ready to spawn and they're not regular. I usually come from and go in the fishroom and find that they've spawned. Grr. I'm going to start recording them everyday just in case lol.
Wow, they don't show any signs? The tubes stay hidden then suddenly come out and go back in when they are done? What a difference. I have tubes hanging out of practically all my adult fish except the one Koi Veil I haven't a clue what it is. First fish I wouldn't place a bet on :lol:( Then again, I was at a shop a week ago and saw a beautiful male Marble I really wanted the guy to sell me from his display tank. It had all male features from head bump to fin angles. Problem was, it lays eggs almost weekly :( ) So only 1 thing is a sexing guarantee :brows:)

We are expecting around 20-30mm of freezing rain this evening so the power companies are saying be prepared for power outages. Yikes! Don't want a repeat of last October and like Andy did already I'm getting myself ready. Going out to get a generator just in case.

Stay warm and keep the fishies warm too :D
I do have a camcorder that I could do that would do that. The difficulty is they usually show no signs of getting ready to spawn and they're not regular. I usually come from and go in the fishroom and find that they've spawned. Grr. I'm going to start recording them everyday just in case lol.

Okay, so I'm thinking that my female Marble must have read your post Ray because this morning when I fed them, her tube was slightly exposed. Nothing unusual. Looking like it would be a couple more days. Just as a precaution, I put in their favorite piece of slate so they can use it when they are ready. Checked them at lunch, no eggs and nothing more exposed Even the male was not overly exposed. Went back outside at 2 p.m. to feed the fry and don't you know, they were deep into spawning. Since this pair has been having a poor hatch rate, I wanted to put their net spawn into pure rain water (which I've been storing.) I was able to watch and saw that the male was fertilizing the eggs but can be easily distracted so maybe this is why the poor hatch rate? Long story short, I have a large spawn in a bottle, indoors, in rain water and the pair look like they did this morning. :facepalm:
So my apologies for making fun of your situation :oops: :flowers: :D
Yeah all my other angels give me days warning. They first start cleaning the slate, then the morning of their colour deepens and I know it's going to happen that day. Frustrating. They being said no fertile eggs again. I'm going to need to determine for sure if I have a pair of 2 females.
My wigglers are becoming free swimmers slowly. They still have some sticky stuff on their heads but the ones that are swimming are eatting microworms. I do hqve two different types of babies i can tell. A dark type and a white type. Very interesting.
I ended up returning the generator. We didn't need it. The east of us got hit really hard. They are talking Boxing Day before full power is restored. Counting my blessings and praying for those affected. I exchanged the generator for a inverter charger. This will connect to a deep cycle battery (car battery for now) and should the power go out it can draw from the battery. The nice thing is if we are away and the power goes it will automatically switch over. The battery I'm looking at is 100 amp hours and my blower draws .75 amp which means that could run the blower for 5 1/2 days before needing charging. I'll be setting it up in the morning.
I ended up returning the generator. We didn't need it. The east of us got hit really hard. They are talking Boxing Day before full power is restored. Counting my blessings and praying for those affected. I exchanged the generator for a inverter charger. This will connect to a deep cycle battery (car battery for now) and should the power go out it can draw from the battery. The nice thing is if we are away and the power goes it will automatically switch over. The battery I'm looking at is 100 amp hours and my blower draws .75 amp which means that could run the blower for 5 1/2 days before needing charging. I'll be setting it up in the morning.

Always better to be safe than sorry ;) Glad to hear you're okay (y)
Well the Estrogen in the community tank must have been flowing after Scaredy Koi spawned because the 2nd female from the now defunct trio also laid eggs yesterday only to have the female Gold ( whose mate, the one with bloat and Popeye, just died) joined in and laid with her and defended the nest from the males coming too close. Today, I see them both guarding what few eggs are left that haven't gone white yet. Will these females ever take a MALE mate again????? :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::facepalm::facepalm::lol:

On a more cheery note, I want to wish everyone on this thread a very Merry Xmas, Happy Holiday and a Happy New Year (y)(y)(y)
Oye that's frustrating! I came home to a disturbing sight. One of my silver pearlscale pairs have been laying eggs lately but I think the male hasn't been doing his part. The eggs were infertile the last number of times. Well I found the slate empty of eggs and the male laying on the bottom of the tank. He had taken quite the beating! Sometimes I wish I could spend more time in that room to head these things off. ? Grr

And I join my voice my Andy and wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy and safe New Year!
But normality ruled today when the pair ( formerly part of the trio) showed some tube yesterday, cleaned the slate a little yesterday, cleaned it a lot more today then spawned on it today. Just the way it's supposed to be. lol
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