Wild life photos

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Today I got a similar but better pic of a Swallowtail butterfly in the yard - if you can click the bar for the full image it shows better the hairs on the body and the dots of color in the wings around the red orange and blue at the bottom of the tail.

yellow butterfly every-time I see a yellow butterfly I think of my mom as she always said if she came back in another life it would be the yellow butterfly,
now I got the water works lol .
Yeah I Agree !

One thing I miss about another forum...name with held due to...we are just better.

Is a ongoing running thread of wild life/ nature photos. Ones members take. It could be as simple as a cardinal on your feeder or a moth on your night light.

I enjoyed seeing all the photos from the diverse regions of the forums members.

So what do you all think.....

I think i need a bigger tank !!


Wonderfully cute pics. I really like squirrels.

A place we lived a long time ago was very limited on trees but as the trees grew over the years we finally got a squirrel and we fed it and it came pretty much every day and then it wasn't there one morning and we found a dead squirrel on the side of the road into the subdivison - apparent car crash victim. The kids were very sad. His name was Skippy. After a couple months there was a new squirrel, and it's name was Skippy 2 (Skippy for short ;) ). Pretty much after that we called all the visiting squirrels Skippy. :lol:

Your squirrel looks like it enjoys the visits to your yard! And like it was trying to pose for you in that one shot!
Wonderfully cute pics. I really like squirrels.

A place we lived a long time ago was very limited on trees but as the trees grew over the years we finally got a squirrel and we fed it and it came pretty much every day and then it wasn't there one morning and we found a dead squirrel on the side of the road into the subdivison - apparent car crash victim. The kids were very sad. His name was Skippy. After a couple months there was a new squirrel, and it's name was Skippy 2 (Skippy for short ;) ). Pretty much after that we called all the visiting squirrels Skippy. :lol:

Your squirrel looks like it enjoys the visits to your yard! And like it was trying to pose for you in that one shot!

She works for her seed. She is required to exercise the dog. She comes down the tree just above pug nose height to keep the dog entertained. IMG_8418.JPG
She works for her seed. She is required to exercise the dog. She comes down the tree just above pug nose height to keep the dog entertained. View attachment 301269

ROFL... Good exercise for the Pug Queen!

I have seen this daredevil sport the squirrels like to play wth dogs and cats. My dad has a cat which has captured a few of it's taunters over the 15 years of her life. :eek:
2 random birds (I did research and found out they are olive backed sunbirds) came and made a nest in the balcony lamp. These are their babies!

2 random birds (I did research and found out they are olive backed sunbirds) came and made a nest in the balcony lamp. These are their babies!

View attachment 301272

What a cute little tiny bird baby.


So there have been a bunch of birds eating all my raspberries, every day flocks of birds fly up out of the bushes when I go outside. One even hopped over to the neighbors bush and started eating their berries because it couldn't wait for me to leave. While a couple friends were standing there it ate 3 berries one after the other, and that was in just seconds. Most favored by the Robins, Purple House Finch, Black Bird, Grackles, and Sparrows, even a Dove was sittng nearby though not sure they eat the berries?!!!!! 20-30 birds, am and pm!!!
Opened my rear garage door this morning while doing laundry and these two came in and have been hanging out all day. IMG_1555.jpgIMG_1559.jpg
The pics don't do them justice. They are about 5" long. The finally left at sunset. Just too hot for them out there. We got to 111 today. We ran the sprinklers and the birds all showed up and were enjoying cooling down.
Nice! Only seen in zoos here.

Still trying to get a shot of Australian wild life like kangaroos. So far these ducks and young ones are as wild as it gets in the suburbs.


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