Wooky Snail Behavior.

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 3, 2003
Florida, USA
My gold and black mystery snails are just plum crazy.

Every day they climb above the water surface, thats not the wooky part. The weird part is that they always crawl up where the HOB return water spills over, and they just always get hammered by the returning water.

and they will always hang out right around where the HOB churns and poounds the water the most. [HOB is a Penguine 170 BTW ]

Should I be concerned about my snails getting beat to kingdomkong?

Also, Sidenote.

Remember the thread " Snail Babies!! " I made? The babies hatched :D I have about.. a hundred baby black mysteries roaming my tank, no bigger than a pencil head.
I have a snail that does the same thing. It seems to want to get in the space between the filter intake and the back glass, or on the intake itself. One time I saw it get knocked off the back glass by the water return and it just glided down to the front of the tank and onto an anacharis plant.

Snails do just as many funny things as fish if you ask me. :)
Those snails are doing that because it gives them the sensation of speed.... they can pretend that they are racing through the water.. every snail's dream.......

My two snails attach to the tank for about 3 hours once a week and then spend the rest of the time swimming through the HOB filter current. ...Then they die. Is this odd? :?
Probably ;p Mine are usually attached to something. Rarely do I find them 'surfing' .. no instances of late come to mind. When mine get air in their shells, they squeeze it out, I've seen it after moving one from my 29 to my 20.
Mine are usually attached to something too. I did find a snail attached to the filter uptake tube twice. They hung around, cleaning the tube for a day or two, and then I noticed they were just empty shells. I have no idea if they got sucked in shell-less or what!

As for surfing, I don't see that much...
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