Wooohooo!!! Just got some new fishes today!

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Nov 3, 2003
Got 3 more fancy goldies (real tiny, so cute!) for my big tank.
Also got a school of 4 Neon Tetra and a black and white marble angel for the 20 gal tank, will be adding more next week. Hope the Bio-Spira can hold up for my Neon and angel. Should have got the school of zebra danios first instead of neon for fresh tank but oh well. Wish me luck guys!
Oooo an angel! Sounds like a marble; I wanna pic!

Make sure you QT the new guys you pick up the next week; especially now that you've set up the tank and added the Bio-Spira. And keep a close eye on your neons; you should be ok cause it appears the stock that shows up on the East coast is not real healthy, but better safe then sorry.

*grin* and good luck :)
Thx Alli.
Oh boy, I just read your article on angel fish Alli. Required 10 gal for each and not good with neon. Oopsie, and my dad wanted 2 more next week! :( Ok i blame this choice on my dad because it was completely impulse buying. He had done this with the goldies that how i jumped into fishkeeping hobby to save the poor fishes but I digress. Anyhow, i was walking into the store holding a piece of paper i jotted down of all the fishes that are okay for the 20 gal community tank. He saw the marble angel and he was like: ooooh these are nice, let get them, forget the others. I was like: Okay. I didn't even do any research on these. Heh, lucky they are okay for community.

Anyway, do you guys have any idea on what other fishes I should get next to add to this? I've to do my list of fishes all over because this angel has changed everything. TIA guys.

Yah, I think it's a must that i get the brittlenose both for my community tank and my goldie tank to clean up some algae. Is it okay too?

Now I use the TopFin 40 filter to reduce the current because originally i wanted to use the Emp 400.
Heh, good thing you read it before you went shopping again.

Your angel MAY be ok with the neons. If its a smaller juvenile angel, and the neons and angels are all entering the tank together, he may simply see them as tankmates. Do know that once he gets big tho, there is a chance he may chow on em one day; keeping everyone well fed (not overfed tho!) with a variety of foods may help prevent that. I wouldn't add neons to an established angel tank tho (like mine...my guys would inhale them!).

And yeah. they need lots of space. Territorial buggers. I have 6 in my 55g and I'm pushing it; they charge each other all the time, although so far there hasn't been any serious damage; just some split fins. Plus, they need the taller tank space for those fins; is why a 10g is generally not recommended.

Personally, since you are looking to add a bunch of other fish, I'd stick with the one angel. I've 4 loaches and one plec in the 55g with the 6 angels and 2 loaches in QT which will be moving in; I know I cannot add anymore fish at all. I've topped out the bioload even tho I have 11 (soon to be 13) fish in 55 gallons of water.

You may want to avoid the bristlenose for the 20g; it will only get to be about 6 inches long, but I think you'd do better with a couple of otocinclus; plus they won't add to the bioload as heavily as the plec would. Just be sure the tank is established and there is already algae on the walls before you add them (keep in mind you'll want to QT them for 2 weeks as you will all the rest of the new fish; purchasing them as soon as algae shows up means the tank will be in fine shape for them when they are ready to be added).

You might want to look at some of the larger tetras as tankmates as well. Do avoid tiger barbs; nippy fish that will pick at the angel's fins.
wow thx for so much helpful info Alli!
Yeah you are right about the tiger barbs (gosh i love them!), i'd already crossed off my list since i have an angel now. Okay, otocinclus it is :) You know what, i actually gonna return to the store and get 2 more neon (school of 6) and 6 zebra danios right away and not wait till next week! Hehe... so far those neons are so fun to watch. They chased each other all over the tank as I imagined zebra danios would. BTW, 1 angel(he's real small now), 6 zebra danios, 6 neon tetra in 20 gals tank, is that too much? Or should I go with 4 zebra and 4 neon? Thx for all your help so far Alli!
Your tank size should be ok for 6 of each schooling fish since they are small buggers who won't put a real strain on the water parameters the way a bristlenose would. If you go that route, I'd stick with the single angelfish and 2 otos as well and call the tank full. I've 5 rams in my 25g (they get to be around 2 1/2-3 inches long). I'll also be adding 2 otos, 3-5 corys and a small school (5 or 6) of upper level fish (maybe rainbows, maybe killiefish; haven't decided) which will give me only a couple more fish then you; at that point my tank will also be quite full.
Robo! 7 fancies in a 72 gal bow front... that's my dream set up! Honestly, that is what I am planning to do as soon as I buy a house, and won't have to move the tank every few years. I am so jealous, and need to see pictures...

Congratulations on all your new fish, and have fun watching them!
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