Words on bio-active sand

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 12, 2011
There is a bio-active live sand that says it eliminates cycling. Does this sand actually work and does it affect anything in the long run?
Some people think "live" sand is just a gimmick. Any sand will become "live" over time as micro organisms and bacteria inhabit it. IMO, I do think that live sand does shorten cycling time. I used live rock and live sand and my cycling time was shorter than I projected. Make sure to check the date on the back of the package; it is time sensitive.
trackfast said:
Some people think "live" sand is just a gimmick. Any sand will become "live" over time as micro organisms and bacteria inhabit it. IMO, I do think that live sand does shorten cycling time. I used live rock and live sand and my cycling time was shorter than I projected. Make sure to check the date on the back of the package; it is time sensitive.

It says that you "just add fish"! It's a natures ocean product sold at petco.
I wouldn't consider it live at all, at least no more alive than dry sand with some bacterial supplement squirted on it.
Fishguy2727 said:
I wouldn't consider it live at all, at least no more alive than dry sand with some bacterial supplement squirted on it.

But can you really just add fish ?
I found that its still the cycle but they put just add fish because that's what you do normally
If you're cruel and wealthy, sure just add fish! lol I don't remember reading that on the package. I would still allow time for cycling.
trackfast said:
If you're cruel and wealthy, sure just add fish! lol I don't remember reading that on the package. I would still allow time for cycling.

Also what would u say would be the best testing kits
What should all the levels be at

well for a cycle you should see ammonia go up, then nitrIte go up, then both fall to 0ppm, then nitrAtes should be <20ppm

me personally with live sand did nothing to speed my cycle at all, and i had LR, a CUC and fish (i know i did it all wrong, and if i could go back i definitely wouldve done fishless.

as for test kits i suggest the API Master saltwater test kit, make sure you get the saltwater and not the reef (if you decide to do a reef thats for later)
iDreamInSaltwater said:
well for a cycle you should see ammonia go up, then nitrIte go up, then both fall to 0ppm, then nitrAtes should be <20ppm

me personally with live sand did nothing to speed my cycle at all, and i had LR, a CUC and fish (i know i did it all wrong, and if i could go back i definitely wouldve done fishless.

as for test kits i suggest the API Master saltwater test kit, make sure you get the saltwater and not the reef (if you decide to do a reef thats for later)

So I I do decide to do a reef I have to cycle twice?
no, the reef test kit is for later, it tests different chemicals in the tank that the basic SW one does that you need
iDreamInSaltwater said:
no, the reef test kit is for later, it tests different chemicals in the tank that the basic SW one does that you need

Well I have an old test kit for reef when would I test for that and do the tests expire?
I've used live-sand from the bags in conjuction with live rock before. It still needs to cycle, I did the shrimp thing. It was quick, but it was a matter of weeks (3) not days. The one thing to take away from this site if nothing else is there are no shortcuts.
yeah those would be tested i would say when you start having some corals and whatnot. personally with the lights i have i cant keep many corals so i dont think ill have to test unless i see something wrong because my corals arent very picky when it comes to water params etc.
iDreamInSaltwater said:
yeah those would be tested i would say when you start having some corals and whatnot. personally with the lights i have i cant keep many corals so i dont think ill have to test unless i see something wrong because my corals arent very picky when it comes to water params etc.

Well I have read a ton more and I plan on putting 50/50 20watt bulbs in and doing a fishless cycle. I also found an old 550 powerhead, is this ok for a 10g?
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