Would a Pleco mess with smaller fish?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Dec 21, 2008
South Carolina USA.
My Pleco is being bullied in a larger tank so, I am thinking about moving him into another tank with some smaller convicts. Would he mess with the convicts ?
How big is your Pleco? And if the smaller fish have a tendency to bully just watch for signs of that on your Pleco if you move him.

My Pleco is in my 30 gallon fish tank with 3 Cory Catfish, 2 Goldfish, and 1 gourami. He is nearing 5 inches now. Don't worry, I'm setting up a 55 gallon planted tank next summer for him so he has much more room to grow.

I wouldn't be worried because I had 2 Cory Catfish and now I have 1 little baby who is still smaller than an inch. My Pleco is very nice to him/her and whenever I drop in an algae pellet he will let only the Cory Catfish eat with him. Personally I wouldn't worry unless you see any signs of injury on any fish.

Hope this helps -
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