Would an upsidedown catfish eat a blanched zuchinni or peas?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Dec 26, 2011
So I was wondering if my black upside down catfish might eat blanched zuchinni or peas? And if so should i cut up the zuchinni in bite size peices or would he bite off of it himself?
I haven't kept upsidedown catfish before but I put in vegies like cucumber and zuchinni for my bristlenose catfish and loaches who love it.. My other fish (gouramis, tetras, corydoras) all pick at it too, so I imagine an upsidedown catfish would eat them too? I soften hard vegies like zuchinni in the microwave, then put around 1cm slices in the tank weighed down by rocks and remove the left overs the next day.
I would put some in your tank and watch to see if he eats it or not :)
Which species of upside down catfish is it? All black with a few gold or silver "flakes" on the sides isn't a Synodontis, and not really inclined to eat veggies aside from spirulina flake or wafers.
Thanks! And it's black and had some silver flakes on the side, but mostly black. I tried finding out more info about it, but it's hard cause all the upside down catfish info i found was on the ones that look like they have spots on them. I also have shrimp pellots, but whenever i put them in the tank for him my blood parrot cichlids rush to it. I saw him eat the blood worms i gave my fish today though. (i got him two days ago)
Try searching for info on the Asian upside-down catfish. They're relatively aggressive fish, grow to a fair size, and mix well with larger cichlids. Highly conspecific-aggressive, either keep 1 or keep 10 (or more) in a large tank. Keeping a few will quickly end up as 1 that has killed the others, quite similar to P. demasoni in that respect.
Thanks! So he's an asian upside down catfish? Even though he'a mostly black? The pic i saw on the internet (on one site) showed it was silver had had a black stripe.
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