Would some YoYo loches work

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Dec 27, 2005
Dayton OH
I have a 55 Gal tank which recently cycled. Currently I have 4 Tiger Barbs (was 5 one died) 4 Giant Malabar Danios, 1 Clown Pleco, 1 Gold Gourami, and 1 Rainbow shark. About 3 weeks ago (right after the cycle was complete) I got 4 Panda Cories. From what I had read the Cories were compatible with what I have. Every time the Cories came out to scavenge or went to the top for air, the Tigers or the Danios would pick on them. Nothing too serious but it was beginning to make the Cories nervous and they came out less and less. I figured that things would settle down in a couple days.

One night I noticed the Tigers were in "hot pursuit" of one of the Cories and the poor little thing was running for his life. I quickly set up the 10 Gal tank I was planning to use as a quarantine tank. I put some of the gravel and a couple of decorations from the old tank into the 10 Gal to jump-start the cycle and moved the Cories in there. I could only find 3 of them and one of them, the one that was being chased, was beaten up pretty bad. He died a few days later :cry: .

Any way I am going to get 2 more Panda Cories and maybe some neon tetras for the 10 Gal but I still want some sort of bottom feeder for the 55 Gal. I need to find something that can put up with the aggression in the tank and will do well in a gravel bottom tank. I have been reading about YoYo loches and think they will work, but then again I thought the Pandas would work so it just goes to show I still have a lot to learn.

What would you guys recommend?


Actually the gourami made it very clear early on that he was the "big fish" in the tank. He chases the Tigers around and let them know he's the boss. :)
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