Yellow Tang, White Dot

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 8, 2003
Ive gotten my first Yellow Tang to live for more than 8 days. Its been in the display tank 2 weeks, the qt 2 before that. It looks, acts, and eats normally. Nothing is awry except it has a single white dot on its side. Its about a millimeter accross, and when the fish turns you can see the dot is attatched to its side (not just a surface spot). The spot was first noticed a week or so ago, and looks to be a bit bigger now than it was then.

Im guessing its some kind of parasite, and not ich (been there, this is different).

Maybe my cleaner shrimp will handle this?

Just curious, doesnt appear to be bothering the fish (no scratching or rubbing).
Sound like it may be Lymphocystis, which is viral. It is not deadly and there is no treatment (that I know if) it usually goes away on its own.
You cleaner may help. Keep an eye on it. If more show up, then you may have to remove and treat for parasite.
One of my Heni's in qt has this on one of his fins. Freaked me out at first!! 8O
Yeah, its gonna be a waiting game because the fish acts normally and Im not treating it without a real reason.
I agree.Thats what I would do.
Good luck!!
Your gonna love the Yellow, its a cool fish.
Good News! The spot, after growing to the size of a small grain of rice, is GONE!! It dissappeared about a week ago, no reoccurances and no other fish affected. Maybe the cleaner got it, maybe it fell off. Doesnt matter, thats one less worry for me!

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