You know your fish think you're a total wack job when...

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 10, 2005
You go randomly in front of the tank and start to baby talk and use high pitched voices like you would a dog or something and they get all excited and start to come to the front and dance in front of you and act like they're loving it when you know they're thinking "Mom's lost it..."

xD It gets my fish excited and I kept calling my fat one eyed goldfish "My fat tubby fishy.." It was so funny he was doing circles in front of me and wouldn't stop following me...he's probably like "great great, now feed me!" My betta fishes dance when I get all excited like that too and some of my fish are like...let's ignore the crazy person....
when you stare at them for over an hour, unwavering, til you're broken out of the fish-induced trance when you finally notice; you've been drooling.
:oops: Puriti, you are not alone. When 2 of my 3 rummynose tetras died, I started "coddling" the remaining one by doing that kind of thing. Baby Fish Mouth now comes right to the glass when I put my face there. :D
haha. I actually WANT my fish to come up and greet me when I come to the front of the tank. The fact I can mess around with them like that just makes being a pet fish owner all the better xDD I want them to come greet me even if I'm not giving them food and be excited to see me. Talking in my "happy fishy" voice (parody of my canine obedience teacher and her "HAPPY PUPPY VOICE!") makes my fish just as excited as I am ^__^

You haven't lost it Puriti until the fish start talking back to you. And you hear them in your dreams. Then all the time. And you start doing what they tell you to, since it makes so much sense. And you them stop taking the cute little pills that nice doctor gave you cause the fish told you to ........

Hypotheticaly, anyway. :wink:
Re: aaaaa

JeffreyL said:
You haven't lost it Puriti until the fish start talking back to you. And you hear them in your dreams. Then all the time. And you start doing what they tell you to, since it makes so much sense. And you them stop taking the cute little pills that nice doctor gave you cause the fish told you to ........

Hypotheticaly, anyway. :wink:

Yeah I can see it now...they start hypnotizing me with their colors or sending me telepathic messages saying "Feed us....feed us know you want to...we're so adorable.... we're never fed us, scout's honor..."
my fish follows anyone who walks out in front of the friend calls them the rosey barb mafia.
lol, my dwarf puffer STARES at me, and they can move their eyes independantly so it is kinda freeky. I talk to my fish all the time, maybe not baby talk, but i can carry on a good conversation with them :D As long as they don't talk back i am happy

Purity, you mean they haven't tried to, ahem, influence you? Perhaps they are just veeeeerrry subtle about it. After all, how do you really know they are not already working on you, bending your will to theirs?? Do your friends or family question your obsession with "those fish"? Do they treat you as if you have changed? Maybe all MTS amounts to is successful programming by our fish.

Not that I am worried. I have a spoiled rotten little dog who takes up too much of my time, feeding, walking, making room for her on the couch ................ Uh oh. Um, I am gonna get back to you guys on this.

Sleep well everyone!!!!!
When I go near my 55G, my Tiger Barbs (The Backstreet Boys) keep trying to tell me something, lol. If fish could talk, my house would be Echoing, LOL.
Re: fish

Haha actually I have a lot of friends and family who are like....Those aren't pets...they're fish! You're obsessed! You have a problem! Especially because I named all my fish and have taught some tricks and know each one's personality quirks xDD

I always talk to my fish, and hillariously enough I called my goldfish "My fat tubby fishy" again and he came swimming over like....OMG IT'S YOU!

My dwarf puffer does that too! I can call him over and he'll follow my finger...and the eye switching thing so adorable xD I love how their eyes are like the size of their head. so cute.

I have a mixed school mafia...all of my fish do that lol. Especially if I don't feed them in the morning. When I had the 40 molly babies they ALL did that. It was so funny to walk by and they were all RIGHT there.

I suppose it really comes down to who is training who. The keeper or the kept. As for me, it don't matter. I am simply going to hang on and enjoy the ride!!!!!! Have fun!!!!!!!
any of you actually dream about your fish?

i once had a nightmare that my african dwarf frog grew, during the night, into a man-frog and came into my bed room to stare at me while i was sleeping because he was hungry.
My friend has a goldfish who does this. Whenever you put anything in the tank, be it a net, a gravel cleaner or even your fingers, he'll come pver and nibble it! It's a stange feeling, but really cool!
LOL I DID dream about my fish !! I dreamt that they figured out how to "swim through the air". They just floated around the house. And just like the dog, when the fridge opened up they all came over with that "oh PLEASE feed me" look on them. It was actually a pretty neat dream - and quite colorful since a few Saltwater fish managed to make it into the dream too. I actually thought (in my sleep) "well I guess tank maintenance is gonna be REAL easy now" ! LOL

Yeah my fish were trained to give "fish kisses" to people's fingers. hehe a lot of people loved to stick their fingers in the water for them to do it. My bettas tried that once...didn't feel too nice like the mollies or the goldfish lol
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