Young Angels and Discus together?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 6, 2012
Hi i was wondering if i could add 2 young angelfish to my tank with 2 discus, the angels are about the size of a quarter and the discus are about 2.5 inches long
Many people keep them together, some don't think they should be. Years ago the problem was the wild angels carried something that could make the discus sick (my age is showing here) so it became something you didn't do. Nowadays I think it's a matter of choice. Angels can handle to higher temps but there is alot of controversary as to whether the higher temps shorten their lifespan. So yes you technically can keep them together.
Haha alright, thanks for the advice, i get so many mixed reviews about keeping the together, ill probably get some angels today and see what happens
Years ago ... (my age is showing here)...


I've never been a discus person, myself. I have a friend who has eight discus in a 125 gallon planted tank with two wild-caught leopoldi angels, as well as cardinal tetras, some L-100 plecos and a school of Corydoras leucomelas. Beautiful tank that he's had runnin' for several years now, so it can be done successfully.

hey mate you will always get mixed reviews on anything . best thing todo is experiance it for yourself atleast that way you will have the knowledge you need on the subject. but i have small 3 inch angels at the moment and i am going to get my 5 inch disus tomo. so i will see what happens if anything ill move the discus to my empty cycling show tank . which just needs fish now it has cycled for 8 weeks.
Yeah, i just got a couple angels really small angels about an inch long an inch and my discus is about 2.5 inches and they are getting along perfectly fine!
It didn't work for me in a 75 gallon tank with 5 discus and 2 angels. But, it does work for some. Wyomingite mentioned leopoldi angels- these stay smaller than scalare so might be a better bet. But, they are difficult to find.

Yeah, i just got a couple angels really small angels about an inch long an inch and my discus is about 2.5 inches and they are getting along perfectly fine!

Glad it is going well so far. It took my angels a few months to start bullying the discus to the point where I had to move them. The angels were just much more aggressive eaters and it was difficult for me to get food to the discus.
Yeah its just these angels are so small compared to my discus that if anything the discus would pick on the angel which he isnt doing
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