Zach's 20 gal long build

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Most butterfly fish are a little hard to keep and do eat coral.
is that a no or if u get a small 1 and change some things it could work no
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any ideas on a fish that you dont see everyday in a 20 long, i want to be different?
The cold hard facts are a 20g is very small for a saltwater system and you very limited in the fish you can SUCCESSFULLY keep in there. Obviously you can try whatever you want, but a 20g is a 20g and it has it's limits.

Do some research on the fish you may want to keep. This site is very good, but keep in mind the minimum size tank recomendations are the size tank the fish should be in when it's young and still small.
Saltwater Fish: Marine Aquarium Fish for Saltwater Aquariums
so when my trites go down is there any way to find out if i had a cycle or a mini cycle
What do u guys think of making this an agresdive tank
Maroon clown
Royal dottyback
Longnosw hawk
Pygmy angel

Reef lobster

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