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  1. AngelWings

    For Sale: 3 set of Angelfishes, Red Wag Platties, Ramshorns, Malaysian Trumpet Snails

    Hi AA Friends! I've got 3 sets of angelfish for sale. Two sets are mated spawning pairs. One set is is a set that has never shown any interest in spawning but play together consistently. All angels are approximately one and a half years old and fully grown. I also have about a dozen red wag...
  2. AngelWings

    For Sale: Malaysian Trumpet Snails for sale

    Hi all! I've got a bumper crop of Malaysian Trumpet Snails right now, so selling them for cheap. Anyone interested in buying these for tank scavengers or as food for your puffers? 15 for $1, plus $8 shipping. Way cheaper than you'll find on ebay or at the pet store. I'll take orders and...
  3. AngelWings

    sword problem

    Hi all! I purchased a beautiful new Amazon swords a couple weeks ago and it arrived full and gorgeous. About 20 inches tall, maybe more. After a couple weeks I've noticed that the leaves are doing this. I'm assuming it's a nutrient deficiency, but does anyone know what it needs?
  4. AngelWings

    For Sale: Malaysian Trumpet Snails

    I have lots of MTS for sale, a mixture of big and small. 10 for $1.00, as many as you want. Shipping/materials $8.00. I will ship with heat pack via USPS, priority with delivery confirmation, Monday thru Wednesday.
  5. AngelWings

    Kicking myself!

    I broke the cardinal rule, and didn't quarantine my new arrivals last week. I have a well established 150gal community with 6 angelfish, 15 neon tetra, 5 assorted cory catfish, 5 ref wash platies, 10 kuhli loaches, 5 white skirt tetras, and two plecos. Very stable tank, with no deaths in...
  6. AngelWings

    Update on the 150gal planted community

    Hi all! I've been steadily assuming to my live plants by replanting my clippings and adding new varieties. Here's what it looks like tonight, and then I expect more plants in the mail from Dan the Guppy Man, and I'll post the after pictures. I'm starting to really like where its going. :)
  7. AngelWings

    Planted Tank help

    Good morning all! I have a planted 150gal, gravel substrate, LOTS of anacharis, amazon swords, java fern, anubia, and wisteria. 4X96W T5 HO lighting 8 hours a day, micro/macro ferts at 1ml/10gal per day, glut at 2ml/10gal per day, plus root tabs. Medium fish load. Tank us cycled, been set up...
  8. AngelWings

    Wigglers At Last!!!!!

    We're on our 5th or 6th spawn with my angelfish "odd couple", and they've eaten all their eggs till now. So when I looked in the tank today, I wasn't surprised that the eggs were missing. Then I saw that the parents had moved then to a different leaf, and now they are wiggling!!!! Yay!!!! We...
  9. AngelWings

    Angel fish eggs must be tasty!

    I have a pair of angel fish who have spawned a couple if times now in my community tank. The eggs have always bern missing by the next morning. I was anxious to raise baby angel fish, so I separated them from the rest of the community tank, into their own 30g. Yesterday they spawned again, and...
  10. AngelWings

    What a beautiful day!

    Talk about postcard perfect! Its a wonderful Sunday morning. I've been lazy on the couch in front of a roaring fire in the fireplace with a mug of coffee in hand and reading AA posts on my phone. (Boyfriend calls it fishbook!) I am so blessed to have these comfortable surroundings filled with...
  11. AngelWings

    Refilling dirt/sand tanks

    Hi all! When refilling your dirt/sand tanks, how do you do it without stirring up the substrate? I'm sure there is a trick to it, but I am new to it and would appreciate some help.
  12. AngelWings

    Help! Substrate recommendations?

    I just picked up a new 35gal to use as my breeder tank for my matured pair of angel fish. I'd like to do a planted tank, since I'm addicted to the planted portion of the hobby. :) In my main tank I have natural looking gravel, and the plants do okay with root tabs and ferts. In my 10gal fry...
  13. AngelWings

    Super quiet air pump

    Hi everyone!!! Need to purchase a new air pump for my 150gal tank. The old one came to me second hand and after several months is making a lot of vibration noise. I assume its on its last leg. Does anyone have any recommendations for a super quiet new one?
  14. AngelWings

    Einstein's Eye... Help!

    Hi all, I have a 46g bowfront with fancy goldies, 4 of them. Einstein ia a red capped oranda, about 3.5 inches long without including his tail. His wen went from totally red to mostly white with a bit of red spots left. Then it began growing over his eyes. I have no access to an aquatic...
  15. AngelWings

    Anubias nana bloomed! Who knew?

    I've had the strangest shoot coming off of my anubias nana. Much taller than the normal leaf shoot. Today it opened and it's a flower. Who knew they flowered? I sure didn't. But I'm doing a happy dance because it's so cute. Smacking my head now because I didn't think to get a picture to share...
  16. AngelWings

    Pleco Behavior

    I have a newly acquired pleco that was rehomed from a smaller tank. He is about 6 or 7 inches long, probably stunted after being in a way too small tank for years, and is now in a bowfront 46gal, with 5 goldies. The tank has been established for several years and is very stable. The odd part is...
  17. AngelWings

    Surprise! Angelfish Eggs!

    Wohoo! Just last night I wondered about my angelfishes odd behavior, two of them pecking a a leaf together. It looked like pre-spawning behavior, but until now I had been pretty sure they were both male. Surprise! Sampson is a girl and laid eggs. Then the smallest little male in the aquarium...
  18. AngelWings

    Metricide 28

    Hi all! I ordered some metricide 28 to use in place of Excel. I have a 150gal, moderately planted with wisteria, anubias, amazon swords. It has medium light, 4x 96 w bulbs, 6500k, on about 10 to 12 hours per day. The swords have root tabs, and I use API leaf zone once or twice a week. I don't...
  19. AngelWings

    $50 for Pellia?

    Wow, got the Pellia I ordered today. It was $50, and I expected it to look like more than this. This is 12 portions, in royall about the size of the palm of my hand. Does that seem reasonable? Does anyone have any special tips about caring for it? I plan to attach with thread to drift wood...
  20. AngelWings

    ChemiPure Elite and Fertilizers

    Hi all! I have a 150gal tank recently planted, with more plants to be added over the coming weeks and months. Tank has been up and running for almost a year. I have a rena xp3 with floss, filter sponge, bio rings and stars, and chemipure elite. 50% water changes weekly. Will the chemipure...
  21. AngelWings

    Anyone from Nebraska?

    Hi everyone! I'm from western/central Nebraska. Anyone else from out here? Just to let you know how rural this is... It's 50 miles to the closest LFS and Starbucks! I'd love to know if there are any other aquaria lovers out here. :)
  22. AngelWings

    Goldfish and Plants

    Hi All! I have a 46 gallon bowfront with 5 fancy goldfish in it. I'd love to make it into a planted tank, but I don't know if the goldies will leave the plants alone. What do you think? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  23. AngelWings

    Young Love!

  24. AngelWings

    Kuhli Loaches

    Hi all! I've been thinking about adding a few Kuhli Loaches to my 150gal, but I have a couple questions... Are they prone to escape? I've heard conflicting reports on this, and my hood over my tank is open on the back. Also, I have about 9 cory catfish and one large pleco and one small...
  25. AngelWings


    Hi all! I have a great 150g that has been running for about a year now. We've had awesome luck, no problems with such fish or anything. I feel like I should knock on wood. :-) Right now I have a couple live plants. The anubia nanas are doing great but everything else has just withered...
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