2nd Time Around Fishless Cycling 120gal Tank

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My tank is not due to be tested until 1pm today, but, as usual, I had to peek!
Amm=1.0 - I'll test again at 1pm to see it hits "0" within 24 hours, then if it doesn't I'll dose up to Am4ppm again.
pH=7.0 - not stable, since yesterday at 1pm it was 7.6 - maybe some more cc will release it's magic.:huh:
Water stats for 7/25/11 at 1pm PT
I dosed the Am back up to 4.0 and will check it tomorrow at 1pm.
Bucket test results

eco -
I just tested the buckets each with 2 gallons of water - one has a small amount of pool sand in the bottom and the other has no sand.
Here are the results:
NO sand bucket: pH=7.6
Sand bucket: pH=7.0

Looks like it is the sand bring down the pH number.
I think the sand needs to . . . . . . go.

Seems like I've done this before - guess I better bring the wheelbarrow back in the house.:) Yes, I'm happy! . . . because now I know what the problem is.
Ann7667 said:
eco -
I just tested the buckets each with 2 gallons of water - one has a small amount of pool sand in the bottom and the other has no sand.
Here are the results:
NO sand bucket: pH=7.6
Sand bucket: pH=7.0

Looks like it is the sand bring down the pH number.
I think the sand needs to . . . . . . go.

Seems like I've done this before - guess I better bring the wheelbarrow back in the house.:) Yes, I'm happy! . . . because now I know what the problem is.

I'm surprised to be honest...I've never heard of PFS doing anything like that. As far as I'm concerned you did a scientifically controlled test and isolated that as the issue.

Now remind me...the fish from the other tank are going in the new one? Obviously it's a lot easier to switch out substrate in an empty tank, so it may be the best idea to switch the substrate in the tank that's currently cycling now (it might set you back a few days), finish cycling, move the fish over, than replace the other substrate if you plan on keeping that tank up and running.

I think you've proved that the sand was the issue...but I'd be interested in seeing other people's responses if you started a new thread about it. At least people will learn for the future. It was PFS from a pool store?
Yes this is pool sand - sand you put in the pool filter, recommended by my LFS, purchased at Emerald Pool & Patio in Eugene, OR.

Yes, the fish in the other tank are going into the new one. Then I'll sell the old tank once my fishies are moved into their new quarters. My husband does not want more than 1 tank - so the 120 gallon will have to do:lol:. It was the biggest one I could find.

So I think I'll go to my LFS tomorrow and buy some sand from them; take the water out of the tank down to where it will still flow through the filter because I don't want my BB babies to die, roll the wheelbarrow back into the family room (well I'll use my 4 wheeled garden one because it doesn't leak) and take the pool sand OUT with my dedicated aquarium dust pan and squeegie for the last bits of sand; then Ian will put the new sand bags IN. He's getting good at that - third time on this new tank. :)

Fill it up with treated water, dose it to 4ppm Ammonia and start testing again.
That's the plan!:dance:
Good deal :)

You sure have a great attitude and work ethic.

Remember anything that dries out will kill the bacteria on it. Even if you can throw the decorations that would have dried out into a bucket of water to keep it wet...that will save some of the bacteria.

I think it'll press rewind on your cycle a little bit...but nothing of epic proportions.
The next thread I start will be called:
Fishless Cycling 120 gallon tank 3rd Time Around . . . or something like that.
Can't believe the time I've used trying to cycle my aquarium. I don't think I would have been able to do it without encouragement from you, LibraryGirl, DeckApe and the others. (Gee, I'm talking like I've done it and I haven't, but I just know I will be able to now.)
I was telling my sweetie about it tonight and when I got to the part about changing out the sand, he just waved his hand, like - enough already. :lol: And he said, "You're not going to use the shop vac on the sand, are you; I just put a new $25 filter in it." oh:huh: Can't use the shop vac?:blink:.................. :lol:
But you just have to see the humor in this!
To be continued, tomorrow .............
I won't start the new thread until I have changed out the sand, filled it with treated water and dosed up to 4ppm Ammonia.
Oh, just one more week? That would be great! :fish2:If my fishies knew what was going on, they would be real excited! A week would be just terrific!:fish1::fish2::fish1::dance:
I'll get started in the morning.
If you can bottle some of your excitement, work ethic and energy and send it to me...I'd be appreciative. :)

People freak out over simple things...you take all the challenges in stride and put a positive spin on it. I really admire your attitude :)
Thank you so much eco! If I could bottle it, I would definitely pass it around. It's not like I can't do this. I can do all of the steps. If it were impossible for me to do then I would be frustrated. What is keeping me going is looking forward to seeing my fishies in their new larger home. :fish2: They have to love it. They'll be able to maybe get up a little speed in the new tank.
I hope they like it. Once when I had a problem with my tank, my LFS gave me space in theirs and the fish hid in there the whole time. They NEVER came out. When I brought them home, they were swimming all over the place again. They knew it was THEIR home. I hope they like the new aquarium and don't go hiding on me! I can't put any familiar objects in there for them because everything in their current tank is just covered with that awful black hair algae. I hope I can move the fish without transferring any of that stuff.
So I'll start slopping sand again tomorrow, but I'll have to wait until about noon here to get started because I have an 11:00 phone call.
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