fish in cycle (follow along)

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My rule of thumb with API has always been as soon you see any hint of green for the ammonia test do a water change and add a little ammo lock. Where I live we all have well water and it's pretty tough to get down below 60 ppm of nitrates but since I got my ro unit I have gotten that back down around a steady level of 20 in the tank.
I use Prime and dose it when tank is low during a water change. I was under the impression that the tank needs ammonia for bacteria to grow.
OasisKeeper said:
The theory with products like prime and ammo lock is that they convert free ammonia to ammonium (NH3>NH4) which is less toxic. It's still there and the bacteria can feed on it.

Understood. I'm trying my hardest to obtain a safe aquarium for my crew.

I have something weird to share... Well weird for me I'm a newbie.

Anyway. What happened to my ammonia?!

No water change since the last time I posted a change.

pH 7.0-6.8

Ammonia 0 ppm

Nitrite 0 ppm

Nitrate 0 ppm

What happened? No ammonia? I tested 3 times and it read 0 all three times.

Anyone have an explanation? Did I do something wrong? Are my fish ok? I'm kinda freaked out. I had 0.25ppm for the last 4 tests and now it's gone?
Haha! Really?! What did I do? LoL!! I'm al worried and I may have done something right? Everyone is talking about nitrates and nitrites and how I should have some and all of a sudden WITHOUT a wc I have no ammonia all of a sudden.

Well I'm gonna sit back and enjoy my crew

I'll continue to monitor my water conditions and just take a deep breathe.

Thanks for the reply :)
NyteGTI said:
so I know you checked your water again. what'd you come up with this morning?

Haha you know it!

pH 7.0-6.8 really close in color, I can't call it.

Ammonia 0

Nitrite 0

Nitrate 0

I'm really confused. What happen to my ammonia? I had 0.25ppm and expected it to rise as I haven't done a water change since I last posted one(I think 2-3 days). So naturally was expecting it to get higher and then would perform a wc. Well... There's no ammonia! Where did it go? How does it just vanish?

I didn't do anything to the tank. And feedings are every other day. All remains the same (is that a song? lol)

Temp stable at 76. Water crystal clear. Fish appear happy and healthy.
Anybody know what happened to the ammonia level? Does it just go to zero like that? I swear it was 0.25 for the past 2 days. Expected it to be higher then BAM!!! Last night and this morning ammonia level is 0!!
what im assuming is that the seeded filter media finally kicked in and the amount of BB on those filters is more than what was required for your tank so they're instant cycling you. depening on the bio load of the tank they came from it's possible for those BB to be eating your minimal amount of ammonia & nitrites in a matter of a couple hours. but thats my best GUESS

you do have a 55G tank with 8 juvies in it so I don't expect there to be a huge bioload on the tank. maybe you received super BB from your friend(joking).

Keep testing don't change until you hit .5 now & see how that goes. so for now it's easy street. sit back & watch the fish just test twice a day and relax :)
Thanks brother... Gonna enjoy them and test twice a day.

LOL!! Maybe he did have super BB!! Haha!!
Honestly it's definitely possible if he had a typical "overstocked" mbuna tank and gave you 2 whole filters from that you're likely to have ALOT of BB that came with it. you just may be cycled. but where the nitrates went is beyond me.
Tested again just to show my friend who has a tank and is in the process of setting it up. Anyway I showed him how to test.

Results are the same. Only change which I don't know if it means anything. The pH changed and I have some ammonia now.

pH is now 7.0-7.2 they make those colors so close it's hard to tell but I'd say it's leaning towards 7.0-7.2 as opposed to my 6.8 I've been getting.

Ammonia 0.25ppm

Nitrite 0ppm

Nitrate 0ppm

Tested water just now out of pure boredom and the inability to fall asleep and there is no change.

Temp steady at 76

Water crystal clear

The crew, appear to be healthy and happy

Feeding every other day, small pellets

pH looks like 7.0 it's close in color with 6.8

Ammonia .25

Nitrites 0

Nitrates 0

When will I know if my tank is cycled?

Saturday will be the start of week 5

Last water change was Saturday
Malawi Freak said:
Do a 15-20% WC this weekend and consider yourself established. congrats.

Oh NICE!!! You have no idea how happy I am right now!! I will continue to test until Sat. I'll do a small pwc. Thanks!! :)
NyteGTI said:
I agree with Malawifreak here. good work man.

Thanks brother! Couldn't have done it without you! So thanks for all your help! Sorry my guy couldn't help out. He called me, he feels bad. PM if you wanna discuss. He said he could but may not be exactly what you see in picture.
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