Ziggy's Corner Planter

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LOL you take a lotta pics, that's for sure!
Nice and colorful, very cool!
Ok so I went to a couple of the LFS's and checked out plants and fish. I have decided to put a hold on adding any more fish to the tank for right now. I want to focus on getting the plants going and the tank really established. I might add a shrimp or two as I come across them. So here we go;

This is what the tank looked like when I got home this afternoon:

This is what it looked like when I was done with all the new plants I got today:

Now for some close ups and random shots:




What do you think?

Oh, my.
Very nice! Love the color mix and those lights look like they are going to be amazing for your tank! Awesome job. LOVE the Rotala, gives a nice contrast of leaf size and shape against the sword plant and lace plant. :) Good choices. :) And if you get the neons first and let them get full grown and then add a small angel...your angel wont eat them. :)
Very nice! Love the color mix and those lights look like they are going to be amazing for your tank! Awesome job. LOVE the Rotala, gives a nice contrast of leaf size and shape against the sword plant and lace plant. :) Good choices. :) And if you get the neons first and let them get full grown and then add a small angel...your angel wont eat them. :)

Thanks! I'm really pleased with how the tank has turned out so far. I'm planning on adding more neons as I go and any angel that is put in the tank will be small to start out. Good advice though and thanks for mentioning it.
So here are my additions for today to my tank. I couldn't help myself. I wanted something interesting and I couldn't help myself, so this is what I got.

pygmy cory cats. I plant on adding more but right now I have 2 and they are very cool.

I love Cories! I have 4 and they just have such cool personalities! When together in groups they're really fun to watch! :D

Btw, just wanted to tell you that this is the coolest tank I've
seen!! :)
Thanks guys!!! I am very pleased with how the tank has turned out. I also got some Java moss but haven't put it in the tank yet. it's in the cup it came in still.
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