55 Gallon Freshwater Tank

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Yes, indeed, I got my fishies!! :dance:

I went to Petco today and bought...

(6) Silver Tip Tetras
I only asked for 5, but the guy there threw in an extra one for free, (he's the only one that I care to deal w/ up there... he actually knows his stuff!)

(5) Harlequin Rasboras
Yep, Daileene, you talked me into those little guys. lol You're right though, they are awesome!!

wooooohoooooo.......alright! That's my girl. hehehehehehehehe....

Anyway, I decided not to setup my QT for this round. I figured that if they do have a disease, I can just treat this tank. I just hope it doesn't come to that, but, knowing my luck... yeah... :rolleyes:

So far everyone is happy and the new guys are having a blast in the 10g!! Max is even happy to share his home w/ his new tankmates! I was kind of surprised because he was flaring at them when I was floating the bags. lol

My plan is to keep the Harlequin Rasboras in this tank and in about a month I will move the Silver Tip Tetras over to my 55g. I will need to put my Neons in the 10g though as the ST Tetras will clobber smaller Tetras.

So, yes, every single one of you should feel ashamed and guilt ridden for being such a bad influence on me! LOL

Yep, very guilty and I am proud of it. Harharharhar! :brows::whistle:
Hun, those water wisteria looks good...:) They are bouncing back.

And I am telling you, after a few days to a week when the harlequins will be accustomed to the tank, their color will be more orange-y. Beautiful little things and yeah, they are very fast. LOL.
Hun, those water wisteria looks good...:) They are bouncing back.

And I am telling you, after a few days to a week when the harlequins will be accustomed to the tank, their color will be more orange-y. Beautiful little things and yeah, they are very fast. LOL.

You're not kidding about the Harlequins! Their colors are starting to come out already! Yeahhhhhh... I may need to just go ahead and add those guys to my 55g and get more to keep in my 10g. :brows:

The Wisteria is more than bouncing back... it's growing fast!! Surprisingly, so is the Cabomba! :D Speaking of which, I made a few changes to my 55g and need to post a recent pic. Yeah, I know... AGAIN! Hee hee! I can't leave either of the tanks alone. It's worse than when I was nesting during my pregnancy. :lol:
Dont worry! Fiddling around with my tank is the only exciting thing goin on in my life :) I'm sure it looks stupendous!
Dont worry! Fiddling around with my tank is the only exciting thing goin on in my life :) I'm sure it looks stupendous!

If revising the layout of a tank is "exciting", I must be doing it all wrong. :ROFLMAO: Honestly, I do get some satisfaction out of changing things around. It's a great stress-reliever.
Ya, well sometimes you just get bored with it, or you think of something that might make your fish happier :) I also have a mated pair of apistos, and so I wanted to change things up to see if that sparked anything :) anyways I agree...MORE pictures!!
Ya, well sometimes you just get bored with it, or you think of something that might make your fish happier :) I also have a mated pair of apistos, and so I wanted to change things up to see if that sparked anything :) anyways I agree...MORE pictures!!

If I hear of you placing mirrors in the top of your tank to get your Apistos "in the mood", I'm going to really worry about you. :ROFLMAO:

Oh, and yes, I'll be posting pics of the tank soon. ;) I need to take more anyway before I find a new home for Tony. I started looking for a new owner for him this week and it's killing me! I'm going to miss him so much! :(
Haha!! Mirrors...good idea! That might make the boy think he has a harem :) lol...wait who's Tony? Sorry I forget
Haha!! Mirrors...good idea! That might make the boy think he has a harem :) lol...wait who's Tony? Sorry I forget

Niiiiice! :brows: Bwahahahaha!!

Tony is my Common Pleco, (he's pushing about 10" now). He was my one and only impulse buy oopsy. I didn't know how big they got until it was too late to return him. Now he's so big that he's uprooting my plants and I'm replacing them every morning.
Wow! Impressive and frustrating I'm sure...my bristle nose is a bit of a lug...he's only about 4 inches but he throughs his weight around by golly! I'm sorry you have to get rid of him...
Wow! Impressive and frustrating I'm sure...my bristle nose is a bit of a lug...he's only about 4 inches but he throughs his weight around by golly! I'm sorry you have to get rid of him...

Yep, he's a big boy! Very mellow though but still keeps everyone in line. With the exception of my frogs... they still climb on him and he lets them. lol If I could keep him, I would in a heartbeat!

I was looking for a BN Pleco when I got Tony. The LFS clerk there had no clue and told me that the Common Pleco was similar. :rolleyes: I should have known better.
Do it!! Tell him you felt the pain of pregnancy, now he gets to feel the pain of another tank! Haha
McLumpy said:
If revising the layout of a tank is "exciting", I must be doing it all wrong. :ROFLMAO: Honestly, I do get some satisfaction out of changing things around. It's a great stress-reliever.

I totally agree with you, for me, working in my tank is a great stress reliever!

It's my time !! Don't take me wrong, I do enjoy a lot the family time, but I do enjoy this time for me!!!, and I forget about everything, when I'm cleaning, re-arranging, watching, etc my tank.
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