55 Gallon Freshwater Tank

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Looks like the frogs were talking to each other:)
I'm glad that you switched the fish and everyone is now in their homes. How the neon tetras are doing in the 10G after being enjoying the 55G?
Nice tank! I love the live plants!

Thanks! They're starting to fill in nicely now. :D

What is your whole complete stocking list now ? And the Betta looks great! Just a tip if your going to take a pic of him show him a mirror first!

Thanks for the compliment and the tip on getting a pic of him! I will try that the next time I take his pic.

As far as stock...

In my 55g...
(1) Common Pleco (temp resident)
(1) Red Tail Shark
(2) Clown Loaches
(2) Gold Dust Mollies
(1) Dalmatian Lyretail Molly
(1) Swordtail
(1) Flame Dwarf Gourami
(5) Harlequin Rasboras
(6) Silver Tip Tetras
(2) African Dwarf Frogs
(2) Bamboo Shrimp

In my 10g...
(1) Betta
(6) Neon Tetras
(?) Snails

I was wanting to get 2 more Swordtails for my 55g, (1 male/1 female), so I could get a good breeding group going, (1m/2f), but I'm going to hold-off for now. I have a 1m/2f group w/ my Mollies, and the females have swelled up like they were pregnant... but no fry. :confused:

Looks like the frogs were talking to each other:)
I'm glad that you switched the fish and everyone is now in their homes. How the neon tetras are doing in the 10G after being enjoying the 55G?

:ROFLMAO: That's what I thought too! I figured they were getting their game plan together to attack Tony. HA!

The Tetras are doing ok in the 10g, but I'm sure they're missing the big tank. I also think that my Betta is annoyed by them... he was hiding in the house this morning. :hide: lol He's ok now though, so who knows.

Surprisingly, the Silver Tips and Harlequins are schooling together!! They were a great addition to the tank and everyone is getting along quite well! :)

I do have a video of my tank that I'm in the process of converting to an .avi file... but it's taking it FOREVER! If I can get it to go and have success uploading it to youtube, I'll post it on here. It's actually kind of a goofy video. :lol:
Can not wait for the video

That makes 2 of us! lol I was having an issue converting the vid from an iMovie Project to an .avi file. I think I figured it out, but it's going to take 45 min's to convert. Then it will take awhile to upload to Youtube. GAH!!!! :banghead:
cool pictures....just lovely!

i cannot wait for the video too...:)

Thank you, my dear! :D I'm glad you talked me into picking up the Harlequin Rasboras! ;) They really add some color to the tank and are a hoot to watch! I will definitely be picking up 5 more for my 10g.

Still waiting on the video to convert... waiting... waiting... waiting...

Grab some :popcorn: and stay tuned.
heeeheee...no problems my dear...hey, i was sick for like a week and my promise to mail those seeds went down the hill again. :-( so sorry
Thank you, my dear! :D I'm glad you talked me into picking up the Harlequin Rasboras! ;) They really add some color to the tank and are a hoot to watch! I will definitely be picking up 5 more for my 10g.

Still waiting on the video to convert... waiting... waiting... waiting...

Grab some :popcorn: and stay tuned.

and yeah, more harlequins....they are really fun to watch....mine was crazy playful...:ROFLMAO:
You were sick for a week?! Ugh!! It's ok about the seeds, I just hope you're feeling better!

I know...it was not fun at all and on top of that, those tornadoes that hit our area actually hit our town too, good thing it passed my apartment by, but the surrounding areas were a devastation...so sad to see....my father in law's house was the only left standing in his yard. Trees are all gone..:-(

Anyway, I am still waiting for the video. heeheee.
I know...it was not fun at all and on top of that, those tornadoes that hit our area actually hit our town too, good thing it passed my apartment by, but the surrounding areas were a devastation...so sad to see....my father in law's house was the only left standing in his yard. Trees are all gone..:-(

Anyway, I am still waiting for the video. heeheee.

Tornadoes... very scary stuff! I'm so glad that you and yours were safe! When you told me about that in your PM, I had a flashback. Sorry you had to go through that... and being sick too. :(

I'm uploading the video to Youtube right now. It's only 7 min's long, but the file is huge, so I have no idea how long it will take. :rolleyes: Lame.
okay, i will check your video later..i gotta go to bed coz i have to get up early for my eldest special olympics. :)

talk to you later dear.
I know....THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH! you're a doll!

You're welcome! :D

Edit: I just checked the upload status, and it's only at 21%, (after 30 min's or so). UGH!!!!!!! If it uploads before I head to bed, I'll post it. Otherwise, it looks like I'll need to do it tomorrow.
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okay, i will check your video later..i gotta go to bed coz i have to get up early for my eldest special olympics. :)

talk to you later dear.

Will do. :D Have a great night and be sure to check back tomorrow.

Check out the "Edit" on my other post. I'm going to be up for another hour and I have work in the morning... stupid file!! lol :facepalm:
McLumpy said:
Will do. :D Have a great night and be sure to check back tomorrow.

Check out the "Edit" on my other post. I'm going to be up for another hour and I have work in the morning... stupid file!! lol :facepalm:

I'm still waiting....lol

I will check tomorrow!!

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