10 Gallon tank question

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If you can't go there as often as every other week then you'll really need to so it over a logger period of time. I know you'll be anxious to have a fully stocked aquarium but be patient. Patience helps so you don't lose any fish. I got excited too my first stocked tank and I ended up not being too excited when I was overwhelmed saving all the fish I could.

Make sure you gave:
Air stone and pump
(warmer water fish need oxygen added to the water since heat lowers oxygen)
Decorations for them to hide
Proper lighting

Api water test kit
Backup meds (just in case of a disease outbreak)
You'll get outbreaks being new unless you have a good friend or someone helping you to teach you what they learned from when they messed up.

agree except for meds, just buy quality stock... ensure its disease free and maintain excellent water conditions and you'll be fine more then likely

also, an airstone isn't needed. there's enough surface agitation by the filter to allow for proper gas exchange

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agree except for meds, just buy quality stock... ensure its disease free and maintain excellent water conditions and you'll be fine more then likely

also, an airstone isn't needed. there's enough surface agitation by the filter to allow for proper gas exchange

Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice

I say meds because I started my tank a year ago and I have my aquarium in front of a window. Since the temperature fluctuated so much during water changes and being in front of a cold window I had an ich outbreak. I say meds just because if I would have had them and knew I was going to need them it would have been helpful. Make sure you don't buy fish from a store with any sort of strange looking spots. Mine had none when I got them but then after doing one water change and adding a little bit too cold of water I ended up putting my fish under stress and ended up with my mickey mouse fish getting ich.

And in my 10 gallon there isn't enough surface agitation to produce oxygen. In my 50 gallon there is though. Idk why. But in my 10 I also have baby guppies so I keep my filter turned lower than usual. I have a sponge and hob filter in my 10 fry tank. The fry are bigger now so they don't get sucked into the hob filter. When I put small fry in I put a sponge over the intake.
I've had 10 gallon fish from the place I'm going from before and they do have quality fish.

Would I need a pump if I'm getting an air stone or two and having plants in the tank?

What I'm getting;
•Water dechlorinator
•Filter (plus extra filters)
•10 endlers max
•3/4 snails
•5-7 Java ferns
•1 anabuis (I think that's how you spell it)
•1 piece of driftwood
•1-2 air stones
•1 tall decoration
•Test kit
•food (what food do I need for the endlers?)

Slightly newbish.

5 Gallon Betta Tank
you honestly dont need an airstone, i can promise you there is enough surface agitation with a decent filter (aquaclear for example). Just so you dont spend unnecessary money, you dont need meds for ich. Most fish you can simply raise the temp to 86 and cure them..
I was thinking of adding 1 maybe I'll get 2 pieces of drift wood instead? I also am allowed to go to week to week for the fish so yay I'll be able to do it properly! When I'm cycling the tank with the plants before adding the fish, do I have the lights on or off for the plants? And do I add the flakes in the water when cycling? And finally what food do I need for endlers/guppies , it depends which my lfs has in stock.

Slightly newbish.

5 Gallon Betta Tank
Tropical fish flakes is fine for guppies. I also have some algae wafers my fish eat. Just break it in half for 10 guppies though. They don't need much. In my tank I have more fish than 10 so I give them a whole wafer. I also have baby brine shrimp I smoosh a little and feed to my fish. Obviously not all at once. When I had an otocinclus my fish loved to steal his fresh veggies. Fish van eat a wide array of foods really. They need greens too. But since you'll be planting the tank they will eat off the plants likely too
For cycling find 100% pure ammonia. (when you shake it there should be no bubbles) and it should be clear. No yellow or anything. No dyes or scents. You can look it up on Google how much to add daily. You'll need the api water test kit during this time to monitor your tank.
Okay thank you.

On a side note- my betta just died :c

Slightly newbish.

5 Gallon Betta Tank
4-5 months we got it in late September.

Oh well I've decided to change my tank, same decor and all but I'm going to put a betta in. Are there any fish compatable with a betta?

Slightly newbish.

5 Gallon Betta Tank
Small tetras are fine with bettas. And a few other fish. Some bettas can go with more fish. It just depends on the betta if it's calm or not really
Is a miracle betta a breed of betta or? Sorry I'm quite new at this xD

Slightly newbish.

5 Gallon Betta Tank
No its not a breed. I'm saying you'd need a miracle betta that isn't aggressive like most bettas. They aren't known to get along with other fish well. Some of them can, some of them can't ever. Just depends.
I love bettas. I wish I could put one in with my guppies. To me a betta is one of the prettiest small fish there is. And it's a shame they aren't nicer. I would put bettas everywhere If I could
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