10 gallon lighting

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 8, 2006
Pullman, WA
So I am in the process of getting a 10 gallon setup and I am a little baffled as to what to do for lighting.

I basically have a choice of 15w or 40w and am not sure which to choose. I don't want to have to hook up CO2 to the tank which I'm pretty sure would be required if I went with the 40w lighting. But will a 15w lamp be enough for some low light plants (Java Moss and the like)?

If anyone knows of a 25w lamp out there that works for a 10 gallon let me know!

I've never kept a 10G before so take my advice with several grains of salt and a couple of aspirin. IMO 15W would be too little for a 10G with most plants. 40w may be actually equivalent to medium light and you may not need CO2 to do it, but wait until the people who really know their small tanks chime in and tell you.

On a side note: from what I understand, it is really not very difficult at all to rig up a DIY CO2 system on a 10G so you may want to consider it. I'm sure there will be much better advice coming down the pipe on this thread for you so, again, take this with some salt :wink:
I don't really have much room around the tank is the issue (plus the ground is not an options, dog would love her new chew toy). So I was planning to do just some low light stuff while leaving my 20 as my high light tank.

according to this:

40w is considered high, but I would like to get moderate lighting if at all possible.
15 watts will grow java moss. but not alot else. i had a 10 gal with 15 watts over it and i couldnt really grow anything but the moss. why only 15 and 40 watts? nothing in between? are these replacement bulbs of fixtures u are looking at? ideally u would want about 25 or 30 watts over the tank to get medium light before the need of co2.
15w is the standard light that comes with the hood. and I've only been able to find a 40w PC light strip.

As I already said above, if anyone knows of a 25w solution let me know!
I would go with the 40w if you're seriously thinknig about plants. DIY CO2 on a 10G is a piece of cake from what I hear and you would love the results you'll get with some extra light :)
so u got a 15 watt t-8 light that came with it right? HERE is a 28 watt option. how long is the tank? i forget the dimentions of a 10 gal. HERE is a 36 watt option that u can change the amout of watts u want with a 50/50 bulb. just a few options for u.
duh, I didn't even think of the 50/50 lighting I can do.

I will go with the 40w version as it comes with a 50/50. Should I need more light I can upgrade whenever by buying a new lamp.

Thanks all!
I have a 10 gallon. 20 watts (40 watt with 50/50 bulb) will only be like 0.7 WPG. Not too useful at growing anything in the absence of CO2 and correct dosing. I was able to grow a lot of stuff with just the 15 watt strip, but I had CO2 and was dosing. My 10 gallon now has 60 watts on it and I would still only classify it as medium high light. I believe travis was right. You could just do the 40 watts and still not need CO2.
I used the AH supply retrofit kit (your cheapest option) and I have 26 W over my 10g tank. It fits in your normal 15W flourescent hood (assuming you already have one). I'm growing a few lower light crypts, anubias nana, dwarf sag, stargrass, sunset hygro, and a red melon sword.

Ozz's calculator shows 26W as medium light. I've got a DIY CO2 mix to help keep algae at bay and Occaisionally dose nitrates, potassium, phosphates, and iron.
Ozz's calculator shows 26W as medium light.

Ozz's calculator assumes a 4 foot tube producing 2600 lumens with 32 watts or 81.25 lumen/watt. An 18 inch T8 bulb only produces about 600 lumens with 15 watts or 40 lumen/watt. Ozz's calculator doesn't work for anything but bulbs 3' or longer as smaller bulbs don't hold to his rules. We (Ozz, czcz, and I) tried to fix this but I don't think its going anywhere so just keep the idea in mind.

This is why I believe a 15 watt bulb over a 10 gallon is only 0.55 watts. 600 lumens / 200 inches^2 / 5.63 (Ozzes number for 1 lumen/watt) = ~0.55 WPG.
if you have a standard hood with screw in lights head to wal-mart. you can get 2 10watt bulbs in the aquarium section with a 6500k range that should allow you to grow the low light stuff with ease. i personally went with 2 20watt bulbs(the 2 pack in lighting is cheaper) and its great, my cabomba is huge stargrass is bright green, and my java moss is stretching out.

correct me if im wrong but would setting up high light and using low light plants one wouldnt need co2 would they?
u would still need the co2 once u hit the higher light. the algea would be out competing the the plants and grow unless the tank was perfectly balanced. co2 is always helpful at any light level. i got more better growth from low light and co2 then my high light and co2 set up.
Capt, the 40w CF Current-USA hood, yeah? FWIW I've got one and its nice -- with all daylight I think its past the minimum threshold of "medium light" and that CO2 will help ensure you succeed.

I think it's a good purchase for your goals and also somewhat allows an upgrade path and light adjustment. For example, you can squeeze in that fixture and the AGA hood to get 20w CF (with the stock 50/50 bulb) and 15w NO if necessary. Very tight fit with a HOB, but doable.
hum, sounds like I'm going to need to find a spot for CO2 either way...

Anyone know of some really small CO2 solutions? lol.
I don't know about 40 watts and no CO2. I have a dual 48" shop fixture with two 40 watt bulbs over 2 tanks and without CO2 I grew an algae farm. Sheets of algae on the glass and the substrate was covered with it. I added CO2 and now have my dosing right and have almost no algae at all. I have also yet to find a plant I can't grow in that lighting except for those that need a really good substrate like HC.

I also grew a red melon sword, java fern, a couple crypts and other plant with just 15 watts but I had DIY CO2 and dosed micros fairly regularly. A little algae but nothing to complain about.
DIY CO2 combined with an Inline CO2 Reactor. Go with 2 x 1 Liter bottles and a small water pump to push the water through the reactor. Works great and takes up very little room in the tank.
Purrbox said:
DIY CO2 combined with an Inline CO2 Reactor. Go with 2 x 1 Liter bottles and a small water pump to push the water through the reactor. Works great and takes up very little room in the tank.

I'm looking for small outside the tank. I don't have much room to set anything around the tank unfortunately. I'm sure I could rig up a good reactor (already did it once before) that I can hide as a HOB or inside the tank. The real pain is where do I put the jugs that hold the water/yeast/sugar...
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