10 gallon stocking help

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Mar 11, 2013
Have a fully cycled ten gallon with nothing in it but live plants currently has a aquan 30!gallon filter let me know a complete colorful setup
Here's my running list I keep of cool nano fish that would be perfect for a 10g, all of them are pretty colorful. ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1388643072.161795.jpg
Here's my running list I keep of cool nano fish that would be perfect for a 10g, all of them are pretty colorful. View attachment 214703

Threadfin Rainbows are the only ones on that list that I would disagree with... They're light on the bioload, but their activity levels make them better suited to 20g+. Otherwise that's an excellent list as far as colorful nanos go. Some additional ideas:
Neon Blue Rasbora (Sundadanio Axelrodi)
Green Rasbora (Microdevario Kubotai)

Both of these are a bit rarer to find, but wetspottropicalfish.com carries them if you can't find them and you're willing to buy fish online (or if you're lucky enough to live nearby you can pick them up in person like I do).

Obviously you can't keep every single one of the suggestions from Khuligirl's list and these two in one 10g, but you can play with some numbers on aqadvisor.com to get a ballpark of what could go together. It's not foolproof, but its a good starting point.
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