10gal tank with fishies, just found this site, cycle/general questions

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Yeah... probably! Are there any favorite fish you want to keep someday?
I love albino bristlenose plecos. As dorky as it sounds. I also love the shiny tetras - neons, cardinals, and I like silver tips, too. I know there are more tetras I like but I can't remember the names! Oh! There's the super-awesome-looking stingrays that are freshwater...

I'd love one day to have a koi pond...

I also want to just generally become more competent with fish-keeping. I'd love to have a saltwater tank someday, with reefs, corals, anemones, etc. I want to learn how to keep live plants in my FW tanks...

...kind of a long list. xD I don't know the names of many fish since I'm still learning, but...
If you like shiny tetras, look up gold tetra. I just saw them in an LFS and LOVE them because they're so shiny!

Haha, don't worry, I'm still learning the names too and I definitely want a lot of tanks someday... I want to do a planted 20 long and a 29 nano reef...
I think I've seen those before! We've been to several LFS (cept the one that's supposed to be the best for FW) and I've seen too many fish to name...

The hard thing about picking tanks is that I don't have enough experience/whatever to know what I want to pick, etc. Sizes versus whatever...
Yeah... luckily it's not too hard to find out on this site, you can just ask and someone will answer. :p

Personally my dream is to have an 100g tank with discus.
Well, just keep asking questions and creeping on threads like I do. XD
Working on it. ;) It's harder right now since it's finals week, and while I have no exams, I do have a 9-12 page scientific paper to write. And my lovely family to put up with.
Working on it. ;) It's harder right now since it's finals week, and while I have no exams, I do have a 9-12 page scientific paper to write. And my lovely family to put up with.

I get that. =] I have a paper due Monday and three finals next week.
Yeah, that's pretty awesome... I'm happy for you! I sooo don't want to write this paper. I'm procrastinating currently. ._.
Lol! I'm so glad I don't have to do any more science crap. Excuse my language... haha. I'm a humanities person!
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