20 gallon stocking question

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Oct 16, 2005
Westerville, Ohio
Hi everyone I'm new and just looking for suggestions on maybe adding some few to my 20 gallon.

Currently my 20 gallon is stocked with

5 serpae tetras
2 emerald cats
3 marbled hatchetfish
1 silver hatchetfish
1 printed loach

I would like to add a small school of glassfish, but I am worried about the size of them.

I would like some suggestions about what else I could stock.

well Planted with all fake plants
Some real driftwood
A tall fake log/cave that is the centerpiece.

I am running a marine-land bio-wheel for 30-50 gallon & a Whisper for a 20-30 gallon
I am also using an airstone.

150 watt heater
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