29 Gallon Planted Build...Advice Appreciated!!!

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Thanks for all your help trennamw. Its always nice to see the same person responding to my threads within minutes of eachother

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It's always a pleasure when someone is so interested.

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And its not just trennamw that has been a huge help, he is just the first one I thought of

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My dad took me down to Chicago to a lfs that he got 99% of his saltwater reef stuff from. I came home with a ton of new knowledge from the owner of 30 years(same guy my dad bought from), 1 bundle of anacharis, and 1 bundle of wisteria. The owner told me to add the black skirts now, but they didn't have 10 so I didn't get any.

I told my dad the light I wanted to get. I don't remember the name, but it was an led fixture with 8 white lights, 4 blue, rails to add more lights, and it was only $60. It came reccomended as a second best.

The reason I am trusting the owner so much is: #1 he only gave my dad bad advice once (flounder ate an expensive gramma) and #2 a small pet store doesn't stay in business for 30 years giving bad advice.

Changes in tank: removed all bubblers, made filter intake tube shorter, moved one java around, and removed 2 bags of old substrate

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How nice to have found someone you trust somewhat nearby!

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The light I was reccomended to get is the elive 30 inch. Happy I finally found which one it was :)

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I forgot that I also picked up a nice piece of DW too. Going to add it in a couple days because it is soaking right now. It sank right away which was nice

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Edit, that light should be ok....you could def. Do better for the price though. . How may pods does it come with?

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The 30 inch came with 5, and more modules where around $6 i think.

Edit: the 30 inch had 20 individual lights total

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How many more to add?

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I'm not 100% sure. I might be able to run back down there next weekend or my dad might ne able to sometime during the week.

Edit: 30 inch holds 19 pods. 76 individual LED's at the max

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How soon before I should add root tabs under the wisteria? Should I plant it in front as a carpet plant, or in the back like I have it?

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So me being as impatient as I am I added the DW amd moved the wisteria around it. I'm done adding new plant species for a while, but I might add more java to the DW. What do you guys think about it?

And another edit: Removed 2 more bags of old substrate also, going to test levels tonight, and probably do a big wc. My nitrate levels were really high yesterday

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Once you've decided on where the wisteria will be placed, go ahead and add the root tabs.
I cannot say if I have seen wisteria as a carpet. IMO it would take regular pruning to keep it low. Not sure how much it grows sideways but if it does that would be a plus.
Java fern and/or moss on DW can have a nice effect. You may have to experiment on what looks nice. Google "driftwood and java fern" and peruse the images. Perhaps you will find something interesting and you can try to replicate the look.

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I might move the dw into the left corner so I will see where the wisteria has to move. Then I'll get the tabs.

Any reccomended brands or ones that I should stay away from?

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I might move the dw into the left corner so I will see where the wisteria has to move. Then I'll get the tabs.

Any reccomended brands or ones that I should stay away from?

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Search Mebbids DIY root tabs.

It's Osmocote plus from the garden store in capsules from a health food store.

My understanding so far (and I'm quite new to fertilizing) is that seachem and API root tabs have micronutrients but little in the way of macros. Osmocote plus has both.

Sent from my iPhone with three hands tied behind my back.
So my dad and sister told me to move the DW around. I really like it now :) Once the wisteria starts growing it will become more visible, but if i put them in front I would have to do a lot of trimming :(

I noticed a little bump on another java leaf is that the new leaves forming??

I also noticed a brand new curly leaf on the java rhizome. The 3 other new leafs that I already knew about are doing nice. New growth in those 3, and when I picked up the rock the roots had a few flora pieces.

50% WC done today because nitrites where off the charts.

What do you guys think about it?

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