29 Gallon Planted Build...Advice Appreciated!!!

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Thanks guys. Couldn't have done it without you. Now if my nitrites would cooperate I can add my fish. I might add another fern to the DW but I'm not sure. Either more java or anubias. Would amazon sword be good too?

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Looks better!

What were your readings after the water change?

Sent from my iPhone with three hands tied behind my back.
Another question.

Can I have the black kuhlies with my flora max substrate? I don't think the flora is sharp but is it?

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Decided to switch filter choice to fluval 306...thoughts???

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Don't think you need freezer space for DIY tabs ...

I just made up a batch of 100 while watching tv for an hour.

You just have a few plants right? How many are rooted?

Sent from my iPhone with three hands tied behind my back.
Don't think you need freezer space for DIY tabs ...

I just made up a batch of 100 while watching tv for an hour.

You just have a few plants right? How many are rooted?

Sent from my iPhone with three hands tied behind my back.

5 wisteria and 8 anubias. I also have 4 anubias leaves i planted to try amd get some more

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Aquarium Advice mobile app
5 wisteria and 8 anubias. I also have 4 anubias leaves i planted to try amd get some more

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Aquarium Advice mobile app

Um, you don't plant Anubias. You can cut portions of the Rhizome , as long as the portions have some roots and a leaf or two, the new bits will grow. Tie or glue or free float to grow.

The Rhizome is the thick horizontal root.

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Meant anacharis. Only fern is the java. Anacharis is behind the rock cave

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What is to hot?? Im at 79 right now. Will drop to 76 after cycle

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I might raise the temp to mid 80's and just drop to 78 degrees after the cycle. Might help the nitrite BB

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Would marimo moss ball(s) be ok in my tank?? Give the shrimp a hiding place if necessary maybe???

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Aquarium Advice mobile app
Ok, i will get some moss balls when i pick up the first fish then :)

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Aquarium Advice mobile app
I find my MTS also like the marimo balls. Be sure to pull the balls out once in awhile and give them a squeeze out, as they tend to collect debris inside the ball.

And if you plan to have Otos, best to allow some algae to grow for them to eat. They are pretty much obligate algae eaters. Many of them will not eat man made foods, and subsist on biofilm if there's no algae. I actually grow algae on rocks outside the tank, in the brightest light I have, and drop them in for them to clean up, and then put back in the algae farm to grow more.

They're not so much delicate as they are reliant on gut bacteria to digest their algae. After they are caught [ using cyanide to stun them], they starve 'til they get to your tank, unless the store has a tank with algae in it for them, which pretty much never happens. They don't even recognize algae tabs as being edible in many cases.. they've come from rivers full of real algae ! So their gut flora die off and they can appear to be full of food when in fact they are starving, due to lack of bacteria to digest what they did eat.

The advice to buy them after they've been in a store for awhile is excellent.. the weakest will have died by then, sadly enough. Drip acclimation is good too.

Generally, if they live two months in your tank, they will live for years. But many of them do not make it past the two month mark. Only the strongest of them survive. It's a shame, they are such charming little guys.
I will leave some of old rocks I had near a window, and some just outside of the tank but still getting tank light. See which one grows more algae faster :)

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