5 Gal ADA Cube Garden #2 Journal

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So I came home today to find about half of my CRS laying on the bottom upside down, dead. The other half appear very lethargic right now...

Wonderful. No idea what happened.

Temp: 76
pH: 6.7
Nitrates: 10-20ppm
Nitrites: 0
Ammonia: 0
PO4: <0.5
Fe: 0.25
CO2: ~30ppm
I noticed the other day that they did not eat any of the mosura wafer I fed them. Didn't think anything of it. The only thing I did differently was dose some flourish Fe the other day, which I haven't added since adding CRS. I have been dosing using PPS Pro. anyone with any ideas? Did the sudden increase in Fe cause an issue?
Not a clue why thus has happened as in not really an expert in any way shape or form but I would like to say that I'm so gutted for you! Your set up was absolutely brilliant such a shame! J hope someone can shed some light on this for you, really gutted for you I've been reading this thread from the start and have always wanted a set up like yours! Fingers crossed you get to the bottom of this! Cheers
Hmm. What size were the dead shrimp? You sure you're at 30ppm co2. You might have gassed them on accident. I don't think the Fe would have done anything. You better check your GH also.
Varying in size, but all adult. Have a drop checker with 4dKH standard in it... it is very green in color, so pretty sure I am not in any danger zone for co2... I wouldn't think Fe would have much of an effect either... but that was the only change I made... and even that was 3 days ago... have not done anything in the last 3 days.
Outstanding, looking really good!

After my move I may want to setup a small shrimp tank, so you know, if you have babies available.... ;)
LoL I am guessing neilan didn't read the last few posts ;)

I did a 50% water change... not sure what else to do. Lost 1 more before that. I hope the rest survive.

I totally missed page 2 before I posted. Now I feel like a jerk. SORRY!

Not sure what's going on. I have read of some folks who claim that dosing ferts has caused things like this to happen. Perhaps cut back a bit for a while to see if you can get the others to spring back to life maybe.

Also, keep a closer eye on your temps. Is it possible that you're getting large temp swings during the daylight hours?

Also test your CO2 level (pH/kH method). WHile I like those drop checkers for what they do, they're not the most accurate solution and can sometimes lag in their reaction by 8 or more hours (per my experience with them at least)
hmmmmm, ok, now you have me thinking... this is after all, a small tank... and it is right in front of a window that receives a couple hours of sun in the evening (even though I keep the blinds closed). It is possible that there is a temp swing going on here... it was fairly warm yesterday and today, but it is still cooling off at night... and it has been humid, so the WBGT would be higher, easier to change the temp of the water. I will check the temp again tomorrow morning and see how much I lose over night. I might have to buy a small inline heater for this tank. I have never had an issue with the other 5 gal, but it is on the middle of an inside wall.
Ok did a KH / GH / pH check after the PWC.

Per pH/KH chart, after a 50% change, I am sitting at 7.0pH, 6dKH, 17 ppm CO2... which means before the 50% change it would have been right at about 30ppm. I don't think it was CO2.

I think temp is a very real possibility. Temps have been mild (or the heat has been on) since the tank has been setup. It has just been the last few days that it has really started to warm up here.
If it's getting direct sunlight, such a small tank wouldn't take a whole lot to heat up. I think it's definately something to look into.
well... its not direct sunlight... I keep the blinds tightly closed... but it is an outside wall. It is a window overlooking a covered patio, so it doesn't get full sunlight... but this is definitely an area of interest, especially being that there has been a good warm up of the weather the last couple of days. 1 more variable that has changed besides the addition of a little shot of Fe.

I will check the temp in the morning and see what it reads.
Did you check the filter? Maybe it's not outputting enough agitation and providing enough oxygen exchange?

How low do you trim the glosso? Tank looks amazing. Sorry to hear about the CRS.
Ok I lost 2 degrees overnight. I wouldn't think that would be enough to cause this.
I've heard several complaints similar to yours, fort. By any chance are you at the bottom of your bottle of Flourish Iron? I've heard a few people that have die offs when they get down the last little bit left in the bottle. Just something to think about. Being such a small tank, how much did you dose?
Yes! It was a very old bottle and it only has about the last 10% left in it. I dosed a very small amount.. Only enough to take me up to 0.25ppm chelated Fe. Hmmm.
I would ditch the bottle and get a new one and be sure to shake before dosing. The guy I was talking to a while ago said it looked like the bottom of his bottle of Flourish had little chunks in it and looked a lot different than what it normally did. I suppose heavier elements like copper or iron could settle to the bottom of the solution, concentrating it over time.

I'm not sure that this is the case with your tank but it seems kind of odd that it happened shortly after dosing (your first dose in a while, too). Just some food for thought!
Back up 2 degrees from this morning... I don't think temp is the issue. A cyclical 2 degree change in a 24 hr period wouldn't be significant enough to cause a massive die off I wouldn't think. I know CRS are sensitive...

So we are back to the Fe. I guess I will toss the rest of the bottle in the bin. 1 thing though: I also dosed my other tank with it for the first time in a long time, but the dozens of RCS in that tank seem healthy and happy. I know they are far heartier than CRS...

Maybe the tank just wasn't mature enough...

At any rate the remaining CRS seem normal today. Far more movement than yesterday.
At least they're doing better now, I hope they pull through.

I agree, 2 deg temp swing probably isn't the culprit, and it is probably a good idea to toss the remaining Fe and start clean. I hope that solves the issue.
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