5 Gal ADA Cube Garden #2 Journal

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Just curious, overall how much did everything cost you? And sorry about those shrimp.:(

Everything was purchased from aqua forest aquarium. The short answer is, too much.

I really am not sure what happened... like I said everything looks very normal tonight. I think without further evidence/incident, I am going to chalk it up to the Fe. It was a few years old, that bottle... I don't think it could have been Cu poisoning, as there are such trace amounts present in flourish Fe. I guess I will see what happens over the next couple of days.
Water parameters are holding steady... haven't lost any more CRS.

New fish are in... Boraras brigittae (10 ea) courtesy of HN1 and SM! They are amazing fish, and so small. They are already coloring up nicely after their trip in a little plastic bag. I will take some pics later on tonight once they get a little more acclimated.

A 5 gal tank looks massive with these little guys in it... perfect fish for a nano tank.
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They have colored up a great deal even since I posted last... I will take pics a little later on, I promise :p
Ok here are photos. They are still coloring up and trying to capture a pic of them on an iPhone is a challenge.


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Thanks guys. They are really neat fish. I am surprised they aren't more widely available...
woohooo new fishes...very nice...

I am glad you haven't lose any more shripms. I hope that was only a one time thing.

But glad to see your new additions...SM recommended me ember tetras for my 10G later...those look like them...but probably not the same ones...how big do they get?
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