5 Gallon Planted Tank

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Window screen light filter

The 40% number was empirical, as was the double screen multiplicative number.

Ok. I just took out the other 2. I hope it's enough. It didn't seem like one layer reduced it enough though. Someone in the thread you linked said it takes 2-3 layers of screen for Finnex fixtures to accomplish what 1 layer can do with other fixtures. I don't see why that would be true. I will see how it goes with just one for now.
3 layers would reduce my lighting by 120%. Which means it would completely block it out.

This made me lol...

But seriously... I noticed a pretty big difference visually with just one layer. You might have to pull them all out to actually remember how bright those dam lights are, but one sheet does dim it quite a bit. I'd do maybe 2 max, max... ;)

See how it goes with just one first. And don't be runnin no crazy 12 hour photoperiods either! :p
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I am coming home early, so I should be able to get to co2 tank filled tomorrow. I don't want to think about the algae that must be waiting for me. :/
Oh, it was bad. :eek: Somehow about 1/3 of the water was missing. Some was on the floor because the inline co2 diffuser was still hooked up. So water escaped through that. But I have the newly filled tank on there now, so all should be good. The DIY co2 wasn't working, but somehow I managed to only get minimal algae on the sides. The HC is still ok. I think dosing a lot of Excel before I left worked.

Before the cleanup:

Definitely plenty of splashing. Co2 levels must have been almost nonexistent.

Cleaned up
I have been pretty busy this week. The algae started to come back. I haven't had time to do a water change and clean things up, so I went ahead and dosed Algaefix. I'll see what happens. The HC is still carpeting well.

I have been pretty busy with school, so I kind of neglected this tank for about 2 weeks. I did an 80% water change and re-dosed ferts and excel. I also replanted most of the HC because when I originally planted it, I made the substrate uneven (it was deeper in the front than in the back). The left side was pretty much filled in. The right side didn't have much to begin with, so I planted some more that I was growing in a dirt tub.







Here's a better view of the new HC I planted (on the right)


The HC was growing well before I neglected the tank, so I'm pretty sure that if I keep doing frequent water changes and keep up with ferts, it will continue to do so.
Cyanobacteria persists... I don't have erythromycin, so all I could do tonight was a big water change, re-dose ferts and put in an airstone to increase oxygen levels. If it doesn't go away, I will stop dosing N and P for a while, because cyano needs both to survive.
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Tough luck, max. I'm telling you, this tank is haunted or something... Haha

I'm not surprised that it happenned though- I haven't done a WC for a while and I hadn't been keeping up with fert dosing. :lol: Even if I do lose this HC, I still have a big dirt tub full of it.
Max, I wouldn't stop dosing N and P. Cyano thrives in low nitrogenous environments. As for the air stone, it's just decreasing co2 levels and may be hurting more than helping. I haven't seen many people eradicate cyano without EM.
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