55g Dirt Planted

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The cambomba looks awesome. That's just what you needed to fill that space. More plant mass will do you some good. I want to use it in my next tank. Going to try a all South American species tank.
Thanks guys. Yeah, it came with some pink on it but it has already turned either brown or green. Pretty crazy it changed that quickly. I'm loving the way it looks...just hoping that everything finds a balance now.

No ammonia yet, even with my Black Neons denying any food I give them. Probably going to have to get them brine shrimp or something.
No ammonia yet, even with my Black Neons denying any food I give them. Probably going to have to get them brine shrimp or something.

i think you should skip a feeding for a day and then try givin them food. they will be so hungry that they would have to eat it and from then they wont reject it
I don't want to jinx it, but my tank is finally back on track, it seems. No more plant death- the Cabomba actually turned a bit brown in portions the other day, but seems to have reverted. That makes me happy, of course. I think all my tank needed was some fish/respiration/food. Even so, I have been dosing a capful of Excel everyday just to be safe, and have actually been dosing Flourish twice a week, as I am scared that my tank will turn to crap again.

My Black Neons don't eat, and it's very irritating. I've tried blood worms and flakes, and still nothing. I think I'm going to have to give live food a shot.

*Edit* As I was eating dinner, I noticed my fish eating, and I'm assuming they've been doing it the same way for a week now. Apparently, they dart up to the surface, grab a flake, and then come back down. They do this over a span of an hour, though, as the food is still there and I fed them right before I posted here, and there is still food at the top. One goes up, waits a bit, and then another goes up. I don't know why they are so skittish...it's rather bothersome. Even when I come close to the tank, they scurry away and hide in the plants. I want them to ease up.
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Beautiful tank! Maybe if you added some more outgoing fish it would make them feel safer. I have had very skittish fish, but adding a couple guppies got them right out of hiding.
No, I haven't. It's not necessary at this point in time, as I have witnessed them eating.
Any problems with eating get kents garlic xtreme and anything will come out and have a taste lol u can even put a couple drops in and it helps fish immune system just like humans.
For what it's worth but sounds like u got em eating so that's good.
And I have a couple species of tetras they some seem to do that dart to top go back down munch and then go back up but doesn't seem to take a hour less than a couple min.
Also do u feed em only flake and is it good flake? Try some frozen blood worms they will go for those crazy but just use that as supplement
Anybody correct me please if I'm wrong just what I have noticed with mine. Yea!!!!
Had two fish deaths since I got them. They are still acting strange, but parameters are in check. I got my API kit last October, so I think I'm going to have to dish the $31 for a new one as I worry these tests aren't accurate. Something has to be up that is causing my fish to be so stressed...not eating properly, and hiding 80% of the time the lights are on. One thing I have noticed, though it may not be attributable, is that my tank shakes when someone walks by. I take great care to walk gently past the tank, as the floors in my apartment are wood and very unlevel (my tank is still unlevel, no matter how hard I tried). My brother is a very heavy walker, and when he walks by the tank, the water surface is visibly disturbed. I fear this actually may be stressing my fish out, though I do not know. While it's not good to have a wobbling tank, it is not difficult to gently walk past an aquarium...obviously, though, I can't tell everyone to tone down their steps when they walk past it. My brother ignores me.
Any problems with eating get kents garlic xtreme and anything will come out and have a taste lol u can even put a couple drops in and it helps fish immune system just like humans.
For what it's worth but sounds like u got em eating so that's good.

really i thought the garlic was only for saltwater fish so can i use my garlic thing that i had for my sw set up on my planted tank?????????
abrahamavelar said:
really i thought the garlic was only for saltwater fish so can i use my garlic thing that i had for my sw set up on my planted tank?????????

I use Kents Xtreme garlic and it says right on label good for saltwater and freshwater. I have heard people doing it themselves and using store bought garlic clove smash it and add a drop of water or two and keep smashing and mix concoction together and put on their flake food or drop some in the tank.
At this point I bring my bottle of garlic Xtreme out abd open up the top of tank and all my tetras, pleco, and snails come racing out. (everybody in the tank)
I didn't know the snails could move so quickly hahahaha!!!!
I may be tearing this tank down and replanting...I'm not as pleased with it as I thought. I also want to plant heavily and arrange my scape right from the get-go so that things will roll along from the start. I haven't decided yet, though. I've got a lot going on and haven't been able to give this tank my full attention.
NLS is the only food I feed in my tanks.... The Thera a has more garlic in it. When you have a finicky eater, soak some food in garlic. When I take in injured fish I will put garlic in a bag.... It helps heal.... Usually with higher temp and salt. Has done wonders.
abrahamavelar said:
also u could just add it straight to the tank that will help the fish too

I crush it and add juice to tank but asi put the crushed cloves in a mesh bag and hang it in the tank. Dunno if it does anything but I've recouped alot of fish this way :)
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