55g Dirt Planted

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Just put in a $65 plant order at aquariumplants.com.

Here's my list:
4 of : Cryptocoryne, Retrospiralis (Cryptocoryne retrospiralis)
2 of : Cryptocoryne, Undulatus (Cryptocoryne undulatus)
3 of : Cryptocoryne, Wendtii, Red (Cryptocoryne wendtii)
4 of : Hornwort (Ceratophyllum demersum)
4 of : Rotala Indica (Rotala roundifolia)
1 of : Sagittaria, Dwarf Subulata (Sagittaria subulata)(10 plants per order)
1 of : Sword, Amazon (Echinorodus bleheri) Pot Medium
6 of : Water Sprite(Ceratopteris thalictroides)

The hornwort is going to be used as a floater for about a month. I think the water sprite will be the basis of my background, with the others acting as mid-foreground. I want to have the dwarf sag dominating the foreground again. Once I get back to my apartment I am going to place all the soil,sand and DW in so that I can start getting things ready. I hope this order ships this week.

Let me know what you guys think.
Plants come tomorrow, currently rinsing my sand...I bought a dust mask this time around, because the amount of silica that comes out of that bag is horrendous. Even with the mask I can still feel myself breathing it in; let the headaches begin.
Got my plants early this morning, just finished planting/filling/cleaning up. All plants were in top-notch condition and well wrapped. I ordered too many Rotala, and way too much Hornwort, but it's okay. Not sure how I feel about the Spiralis...Dwarf Sag came a little tall, but once it starts running and sprouting new leaves I'm going to pluck the longer ones. Excuse that big rock holding the DW down. Here it is:





Thanks for viewing.
Few hours after water change. Check out the growth on the Water Sprite; I think the Hornwort grew as well.

Thanks! One more thing: Upon closer inspection, I can see new growth coming through the sand on the base of nearly all of my Crypts with the exception of the Spiralis. :-D. Happy!
Thank you. I'm particuarly excited because I think this tank might finally be the "right one". No algae yet + plant growth is making me happy. I have duckweed growing in the Hornwort area, hoping it won't get too out of control. Going to get fish next week...parameters are very low and in safe levels, so I may just stick with the silent cycle.
Marconis said:
Thank you. I'm particuarly excited because I think this tank might finally be the "right one". No algae yet + plant growth is making me happy. I have duckweed growing in the Hornwort area, hoping it won't get too out of control. Going to get fish next week...parameters are very low and in safe levels, so I may just stick with the silent cycle.

Looks great mate well done, just keep an eye on the algae its very easy to get an outbreak in a dirt tank I should now I have 6 of them :)
Hornwort grows like a weed but it's great for the initial stages of a dirt tank. I think it's one of the main reasons why I dont have an algae bloom in my ten gallon. It's dirted as well but the dirt has seeped through the Eco-complete cap and is all over the top of it. :( slowly siphoning it out. Your tank is finally going well for you. Glad to see that.
Thanks guys. Yeah, I got the Hornwort this time to help combat the algae, seems to be working so far.
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